Prime Minister Mario Draghi throws in the towel

by time news

Faced with the crumbling of his coalition, Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi announced in the Council of Ministers that he would resign on Thursday evening July 14, the government said. “I want to announce that this evening I will submit my resignation to the President of the Republic” Sergio Mattarella, said Mario Draghi, according to comments reported in a press release from his services.

This announcement came after the decision of the 5 Star Movement (M5S, antisystem), member of the ruling coalition, to boycott a vote of confidence in the Senate on Thursday afternoon.

“The majority of national unity that has supported this government since its creation no longer exists. The pact of trust on which the action of this government is based has disappeared”, he explained. The coalition supporting Mario Draghi has so far brought together all the political forces represented in parliament, with the exception of the far-right Fratelli d’Italia party.

No government without the M5S

Mario Draghi therefore theoretically has a majority to govern, even without the 5 Stars, but the former boss of the European Central Bank had affirmed on several occasions that there would be no government without them.

He had indeed arrived in business at the start of 2021 to form a coalition of“national unity” capable of overcoming the pandemic emergency and the ensuing economic crisis. However, without the support of the M5S, he considers that his government becomes ” Politics “ and considers that it was not mandated to lead a cabinet of this nature.

A position he reaffirmed Thursday before his ministers: “Since my inauguration speech in parliament I have always said that this government would have continued only if it had a clear perspective of carrying out the program of government on which the political forces had voted confidence (…) These conditions do not exist more today ».

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