Prime Minister Morawiecki in “NYT”: Western countries can do more for Ukraine

by time news

Many Western European countries could do more when it comes to arms supplies to Ukraine, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said in an interview with the New York Times. The head of government also stated that he would like the intervention of the US president to convince South Korea to sell artillery ammunition to Ukraine.

In an interview with “NYT”, Morawiecki admitted that the war in Ukraine consumes a lot of his time and government efforts, but noted that the outcome of the conflict is of fundamental importance for the world.

“I want Ukraine to win because – God forbid – if Ukraine is conquered, we will be in a completely different world. If Russia succeeds and a large country can invade a smaller country, why shouldn’t China repeat the same trick with Russia’s help?” – explained Mateusz Morawiecki. “So this is a key moment in the history of the globe,” he added.

The Prime Minister pointed out that although countries in the region, such as Poland, understand the seriousness of this situation, Western European countries could do more to help Ukraine.

“I think a lot of them could do more, deliver faster and more weapons. These are rich countries,” said the head of the Polish government.

Morawiecki also referred to the issue of possible supplies of 155mm artillery ammunition from South Korea. Secret US intelligence documents leaked online information suggesting that the authorities in Seoul are afraid of sending weapons, as well as pressure from the US in this matter. Poland would be involved in the potential transaction.

The Polish Prime Minister said that he had talked to the South Korean authorities on this subject and assessed that without the intervention of US President Joe Biden, it might not be possible to purchase key ammunition and weapons from Seoul for Ukraine, because South Korea would not be able to buy it. he fears the reaction of Russia and China. At the same time, he noted that he would never decide to transfer Korean weapons to Ukraine without the prior consent of Seoul.

“I would be very happy if President Biden intervened. Because without the intervention of the President of the United States and some kind of security guarantee, I don’t think it will happen, said the Prime Minister. As he said, supplies from Korea – which has a substantial stock of ammunition – would be very helpful, because currently Russia has a much larger stock of artillery shells and fires much more of them than Ukraine.

On Wednesday, the South Korean daily Tonga Ilbo reported that South Korea agreed in March with the United States to loan them 500,000. artillery shells, which would give Washington more freedom in transferring ammunition to Ukraine.

Representatives of both countries have not yet commented on Morawiecki’s words or press reports.

From Washington Oskar Górzyński (PAP)


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