Prime Minister Netanyahu Announces Second Phase of Israeli War in Gaza

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Israeli Ground Forces Enter Gaza in Second Phase of War

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Saturday night that the second phase of Israel’s war in Gaza had begun, effectively signaling the start of a ground operation but stopping short of calling it an invasion.

Israel’s ground forces continued to fight inside Gaza Saturday, after an intense wave of airstrikes and ground raids overnight Friday targeted Hamas’s extensive network of underground tunnels and killed leaders of the militant group involved in the planning of the Oct. 7 attacks on Israel that left more than 1,400 people dead.

The decision to launch a ground operation comes after weeks of escalating violence between Israel and Hamas. The conflict has resulted in hundreds of casualties, including civilians, and has drawn international condemnation.

Netanyahu, in a televised address, emphasized Israel’s right to defend itself against Hamas rockets and tunnels targeting Israeli civilians. He stated that the ground operation was necessary to dismantle Hamas’ infrastructure and prevent further attacks on Israel.

However, Netanyahu stopped short of using the term “invasion” to describe the ground operation. This choice of words seems calculated to avoid a significant escalation of the conflict and keep the possibility of a ceasefire on the table.

The Israeli military has reported significant progress in destroying Hamas tunnels during the ground operation. It is estimated that Hamas has constructed an extensive network of tunnels that has allowed them to move weapons and militants across the Gaza Strip undetected.

This ground operation represents a significant escalation in the conflict and raises concerns about the potential for further civilian casualties. International organizations and world leaders have called for an immediate ceasefire to prevent further loss of life.

The United Nations has been working to broker a ceasefire between the two parties, but so far, their efforts have been unsuccessful. The international community is growing increasingly concerned about the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza, with reports of shortages of food, water, and medical supplies.

The situation remains fluid, and the outcome of the ground operation is uncertain. Both sides are showing no signs of backing down, and the conflict shows no signs of de-escalating.

Israel has faced criticism for its use of force in the conflict, with many accusing the country of disproportionate and indiscriminate attacks on Gaza. However, Israel maintains that it is acting in self-defense and that it is targeting Hamas militants and infrastructure.

The international community continues to call for an end to the violence and a return to negotiations to find a long-term solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. However, achieving a lasting peace will require significant political will and compromise from both sides.

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