Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson’s Message to Swedish Municipalities and Regions: “We’re in the Same Boat”

by time news

Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson recently visited Sweden’s Municipalities and Regions (SKR) in Helsingborg and delivered a message of solidarity. He emphasized the shared responsibility between the government and local politicians in managing the challenging financial conditions facing municipalities and regions in Sweden.

SKR’s chairman, Anders Henriksson, highlighted the severe financial situation, noting that Swedish regions are expected to run a deficit of 20 billion this year alone. The municipal side is also facing its weakest results in 20 years, with a forecasted deficit of SEK 31 billion next year.

While the Prime Minister acknowledged the difficult circumstances, he expressed his concern for the potential impact on students, patients, and elderly care if staff reductions become necessary. He also mentioned that the government has allocated 16 billion for an addition to the welfare sector in the autumn budget.

Kristersson stressed the importance of being frugal, using historical surpluses and reserves, and running a deficit under special circumstances. However, he acknowledged the need for efficiencies, necessary savings, and new ways of working. He also hinted that tax increases may be necessary as a last resort, but expressed his reluctance to put additional financial burden on households.

Ultimately, the Prime Minister and SKR’s chairman both emphasized the need for cooperation, understanding, and adaptation to navigate the tough financial times ahead. The message was clear – they are all in the same boat and must work collaboratively to address the challenges.

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