Prime Minister’s call to play a leading role in establishing truth and justice – 2024-07-18 15:18:51

by times news cr

2024-07-18 15:18:51

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina urged everyone to take the message of the holy Ashura in their hearts and play a leading role in establishing truth and justice in the society.

In a message on the occasion of Holy Ashura, he said, Holy Ashura is a very sad, significant and glorious day for the Muslim Ummah of the world. Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA), the son-in-law of the last Prophet of Islam, Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), was tragically martyred in the desert of Karbala on the banks of Euphrates River by the conspiratorial and barbaric Yazid forces on 10 Muharram 61 AH.

He said, apart from this tragic incident in the history of Islam, the 10th of the month of Muharram of the Hijri year is solemn for many reasons. On this sad yet very important day, he conveyed his sincere best wishes to the Muslim Ummah of the world including all the devout Muslims of the country and prayed for deliverance from evil forces.

The Prime Minister said that Islam, the religion of peace, always preaches the message of harmony. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said in his Farewell Hajj speech, ‘O people, Allah says – O mankind, I have created you from one male and one female and divided you into different nations and tribes, so that you may know each other, surely by Allah. To that which is most respected is the most pious. (Sura 49, Hazrat, verse 13).”

He said that after the death of Emir Muawiya, his son Yazid chose the path of deep conspiracy and force to retain power illegally. As part of the conspiracy, Hazrat Imam Hasan (RA), the son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), was poisoned to death.

Sheikh Hasina said, following this, Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA), another son of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), was besieged by Yazid’s forces along with his family and 72 companions and martyred on the holy day of Ashura. Such brutal and brutal killings are rare in history. Yazid army did not even allow helpless women and children to drink water. Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A.) was martyred fighting with infinite bravery after the death of his infant son in his lap due to the injury of a poisoned arrow. The teachings of Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA)’s uncompromising stand and sacrifice in the battle of Karbala will give mankind the strength and courage to eradicate oppression, injustice and injustice from the world.

The head of government said, it is stated in various hadiths that Rasulullah (SAW) gave great importance to fasting on the holy day of Ashura. He used to fast on this day himself and advised his companions to fast. Almighty Allah created the whole world on this day.

He said, the first human Hazrat Adam (A.S.) came to earth on this day, his repentance was accepted on this day and he met his wife Hawa (A.S.) on the Maidan of Arafah. The boat of Hazrat Nuh (AS) was saved from the Great Flood.

The Prime Minister said that on the holy day of Ashura, many prophets, messengers and beloved servants of Allah have been freed from severe calamities by getting his nearness and help. As such, I believe that special good deeds on this day will bring much benefit to the human race.

He also said, let us all participate in welfare work from our position and dedicate ourselves to building a non-discriminatory, happy, prosperous and peaceful ‘Golden Bangladesh’ and ‘Smart Bangladesh’ as ​​dreamed by the greatest Bengali of all time, Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

In this, he wished for the overall success of all the programs organized on the occasion of the holy Ashura celebrations in the country and abroad, including the National Mosque Baitul Mukarram and the Islamic Foundation.

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