Prime Minister’s Economic Advisor Shocked by Amazon Order

by time news
New Delhi: Prime Minister’s Economic Adviser Bipak Debrai has ordered an iron box from Amazon and bought a shock instead. He wanted to buy a ‘Philips’ iron box on Amazon and ordered it online
has done The item was also delivered on the specified day.
But the person who saw the parcel was shocked. If you expect an iron box, the answer is a brush. There is also a conch-like object. Although many people have had this experience, it has become a talking point for the Prime Minister’s Economic Adviser.

Regarding this, Bipak Debroy said on Twitter: We write funny when it happens to others. Now it has happened to me. I ordered a Philips iron box from Amazon. But, there is no iron box inside. Instead, there was an unknown object, like the shell of a conch, and also a brush.

This affects the reputation of the company. The service has not yet been mastered, he said. After this, Amazon responded immediately. It said that it will be checked immediately and the Amazon team will assist him

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