Primero Justicia supports a national dialogue that provides answers

by time news

For the leader of Primero Justicia, just as there is a dialogue in Mexico, there must be one with the Venezuelan sectors.

In justice first, Jose Aular argues that there must be a internal and external dialogue in the country.

All because a democratic route should be promoted where the people can express themselves.

The statements of the vigilante They were about Jorge Rodríguez’s announcement about sanctions and dialogue in Mexico.

“It is a line of the government party that shows its intolerance to dialogue, which is why they blow up the rapprochements,” he said.

He argued that in Venezuela dialogue between all sectors must be encouraged to find solutions to problems.

You can read: For Eliecer Sirit, the ruling party plays at hopelessness

In this sense, he described Rodríguez’s statements as sad for demonstrating the lack of democratic vision.

In addition to restricting freedoms when the balance is not tilted in their favor.

“At the dialogue table, a transparent electoral schedule is required to renew all the authorities, they evade that,” he argued.

In his opinion, that is the reason why they resort to blackmail, even when they know that rights are not negotiated.

He referred to the Constitution of the Republic and the fulfillment of its democratic principles.

Primero Justicia calls for improvements in conditions

Aular insisted that internal dialogue is needed in the country to return the best living conditions to Venezuelans.

In such a case it is not just a political dialogue, but a social dialogue.

He said that the labor force asks, claims and demands better wages to ensure their livelihood and that of their family.

“In days gone by, the fishermen protested and instead of finding solutions together with those affected, they criminalized the protest,” he stressed.

He also mentioned the national protest by various productive sectors and civil society.

He argued that with a salary of six or seven dollars no family can survive.

Given this, he justified an internal dialogue table to reach agreements that give citizens peace of mind.

“The refusal to dialogue on the part of the government has caused the economic crisis that overwhelms us all,” he pointed out.

Elevate to other instances

The leader of the aurinegro party formulated that the issue of sanctions is not in the field of opposition factors.

He said that the United States government is the only one that can pronounce on the restrictions.

Based on terms of international law, he affirmed that nations are sovereign to do business with the countries they want.

“I go back and repeat, internal and external dialogue brings us closer to the concept of modern democracy where it is not anchored to a political pole. On the contrary, the productive sectors are exalted ”, he explained.

Electoral Registry with the most points

Regarding the Electoral Registry, the opposition leader also raised the governing body to enable more points.

He stated that a group of young people from Punto Fijo had to go to Coro to register.

It is worth mentioning that in the entity there is only one machine enabled at the headquarters of the electoral body.

“We must guarantee that young people trained to exercise their right can register, it is our duty,” he emphasized.

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