“Prinzen” singer on CDU and BSW coalition

by times news cr

2024-09-25 22:26:27

In the “Maischberger” program, those involved found little reason for hope. One musician even painted a gloomy picture of the current state of politics.

Did Sahra Wagenknecht send a signal for coalition negotiations with this talk show guest? “The fact that Ms Dağdelen, a foreign policy expert, is a sign,” said “Welt” journalist Robin Alexander on Tuesday evening on “Maischberger”. Thorsten Frei (CDU) made it clear: “If we discuss things with each other at this level, it will be difficult or even impossible.”

  • Thorsten Frei (CDU), Managing Director of the Union parliamentary group
  • Sevim Dağdelen (BSW), foreign policy spokesperson
  • Matthias Platzeck (SPD), former Prime Minister of Brandenburg
  • Julie Kurz, ARD journalist
  • Robin Alexander, “The World”
  • Sebastian Krumbiegel, musician

Union managing director Frei admitted that there were indeed similarities with the Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) alliance. In state politics, he even saw more points of contact than with parties in the political center, he said on “Maischberger”.

Frei emphasized, however, that not all topics are of equal value. Principles and foreign policy orientation are more important than the question of whether gender equality is being addressed in the administration. His verdict in the ARD talk show was clear: in foreign and security policy, there are oceans between the CDU and the BSW.

The Union’s managing director hinted that Wagenknecht has a decisive influence on whether coalition negotiations after the state elections can be successful. The party leader insists that issues such as peace negotiations in Ukraine or the stationing of US missiles in Germany are also matters for the state governments. Frei, on the other hand, stressed: “No foreign policy is decided in the coalition agreements.”

Sevim Dağdelen, foreign policy spokeswoman for the BSW group in the Bundestag, insisted on “Maischberger”: In view of the “total failure” in the form of Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Alliance 90/The Greens), who will be a guest on “Maischberger” on Wednesday, a coalition agreement with her party must reflect the “will for peace” of the population, which was shown in the election results.

“Without a compromise, this war will not end,” stressed the former Bundestag MP for the Left Party. The former Prime Minister of Brandenburg, Matthias Platzeck (SPD), agreed with her. But is it even possible to negotiate with Putin, asked Maischberger. “We will have to do it,” replied the Social Democrat.

Platzeck: “There is no other option than to negotiate”

According to him, peace negotiations in Ukraine could be imminent rather than long. “It is obvious that negotiations have to take place,” said Platzeck. Because Russian ruler Vladimir Putin is apparently in a more secure position today than he was two or three years ago. “So there is probably no other option than to negotiate with the Russian president,” concluded Platzeck.

His verdict was similar in response to Maischberger’s question as to whether one could govern with confidence with Wagenknecht or her husband Oscar Lafontaine – like Platzeck, once SPD party leader. After a brief pause for thought, Platzeck said: “It’s a question of alternatives. We don’t have any at the moment.”

Platzeck described the narrow election victory of his successor Dietmar Woidke (SPD) as a chance to prove himself. The next five years must be used to regain trust. Otherwise, the successes of BSW and AfD in state elections may not remain a snapshot.

But what will it look like in the federal election? Platzeck defended his party colleague, Chancellor Olaf Scholz, on “Maischberger”, but still expressed criticism: “Of course, he has somewhat disappeared as a moderator in this coalition and is hardly recognizable.” In addition, Platzeck wished “that Olaf Scholz would also convey some problems in a more empathetic way.”

The commentators at “Maischberger” also wondered how the difficult coalitions in Thuringia, Saxony and Brandenburg could succeed. “How the Union is supposed to come together with the BSW – that’s weird,” said Sebastian Krumbiegel from the band “Die Prinzen”.

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