Prisoner swap: Russia frees US athlete Britney | Russia frees US basketball star in swap with arms dealer Viktor Bout

by time news

New York: American basketball player Brittney Griner, who was jailed by Russia for drug possession, is returning home after various protests.

American basketball player Brittney Griner was tested positive for illegal drugs when she traveled to Russia to compete in the Games last February. Following this Britney was arrested. A Russian court sentenced Britney to 9 years in prison. The issue sparked international controversy.

In this case, Russia agreed to release Brittney Griner. However, it was stipulated that jailed American basketball player Brittney Griner would be handed over to Russia if notorious arms dealer Victor Pott, who had been jailed for 12 years, would be handed over to Russia.

The US also accepted Russia’s condition. Following this, the two prisoners have been exchanged between Russia and the United States.

Following this, Britney Greiner returns to the US. US President Joe Biden said, “Britney is currently safe in the United States. From there, he returns to the country by plane,” he said. The White House said, “Britney is in good spirits. He needs time to fully recover,” it said.

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