Private detectives will be licensed in digital format KXan 36 Daily News

by time news

Applications for licenses and the licenses themselves will now be accepted and issued in digital format. A decree of the Russian government was signed, amending another decree – “On some issues of private detective (detective) and private security activities.”

The document details how an applicant for the role of a private investigator must complete and submit an application and all the necessary information to obtain a license. Moreover, it says here that an electronic register is being created, where all Russian private detectives will be entered.

Why is this needed? Firstly, the general digitalization of the entire workflow is coming. It is believed that it is more convenient to conduct any business, getting rid of excessive bureaucratization. And, secondly, is it easier to check whether the detective agency or private investigator you intend to contact is really legally working professionals, and not scammers?

President of the Russian section of the International Police Association Yuri Zhdanov said that in our country the demand for the services of private detective agencies is constantly growing. In the third quarter of 2021, demand increased by 50 percent compared to 2020. According to Rosstat, in 2020, 615 individual entrepreneurs and 63 legal entities engaged in private detective activities were registered, which is almost twice as high as in 2018, when 306 private detectives and 48 such companies were registered.

Officially, the profession of a private detective has existed in Russia since 1992, when a law was passed allowing private security and detective activities. In Russia, a private detective has more duties than rights. He is forbidden from almost everything that the most ordinary police officer should do – to conduct any operational-search work, to conduct covert video and audio recording, in general, any surveillance, to interfere in someone else’s personal life. Detectives can search for a missing person, discover the illegal business activities of competitors, find an inheritance or heirs, prove adultery.

Detectives can also reveal the theft, and so that the incident does not receive wide publicity. In general, a private detective mainly has paperwork and analytical work – he collects information that is in the public domain and draws conclusions. This is a very time-consuming and painstaking work – sometimes writing requests not only to the other end of the country, but also to the world, trying to talk to strangers, being able to see and understand something that others have not noticed.

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