Private investors are withdrawing more from funds than in the first quarter of 2022

by time news

Among banks in Frankfurt
Image: Lucas Bäuml

Bayern LB can look forward to a relatively good rating. Union Investment, Nord LB, Oddo-BHF, Hessen’s savings bank association and Visa are making a name for themselves with their personal details. Ever heard that?

Private individuals from mutual funds German capital investment companies withdrew 16.9 billion euros net in the third quarter of 2022? According to the BVI fund association, this is significantly more than in the first quarter of 2020, when the corona pandemic began and panic broke out on the stock exchanges.

BayernLB In the eyes of the rating agency Moody’s, it is more crisis-proof than the state banks Helaba and LBBW, primarily thanks to the savings deposits from its direct bank DKB?

the fund company Union Investment lost their chief investment strategist (CIO), Andreas Köster, who only came from UBS in mid-2021?

Lower Saxony new finance minister Gerald Heere (Greens) has also taken over the chairmanship of the supervisory board at Nord LB?

Sylvain Juillard moved from UBS to the Franco-German bank Oddo BHF and manages the business with company acquisitions and takeovers (M&A) there?

Sven Kiessling changed from Sparkasse Zwickau to the Savings Banks Association of Hesse-Thuringia and succeeded Thomas Wagner as Managing Director there in April?

Ryan McInerneywith Visa since 2013, will take over as CEO of the US credit card company from Alfred F. Kelly in February?

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