Pro D 2: Agen player Baptiste Lafond indicted and remanded in custody for rape

by time news

Since Friday, Baptiste Lafond has been remanded in custody at the Mont-de-Marsan prison (Landes). According to information from the Sud-Ouest newspaper, the three-quarter center of Agen (24), a Pro D 2 club, was indicted for rape for acts which took place at the end of last season. The player trained at Racing 92 is suspected of having abused a woman during an evening on May 12, 2022 in Bayonne, when he had just played a match with his Rouen club against Aviron bayonnais in Pro D 2. The son of Jean-Baptiste Lafond, 37 times international between 1983 and 1993, was placed in pre-trial detention by the judge of freedoms and detention while the investigations are continuing. He had already been heard by the police last October in connection with this case, but he had been released.

Baptiste Lafond played in Rouen until the summer of 2022, after passing through Stade Français and Racing 92. His contract extension with the SUA was being negotiated, while he participated in six Pro D2 matches this season, including five starts. “I am surprised by this announcement, reacted the president of SU Agen Jean-François Fonteneau. We had heard of this affair in October, he had informed us that he had a problem. We didn’t go into the details and the case then seemed to be closed. I don’t know what the outcome of this case will be, we don’t have all the ins and outs. Justice will do its work. If he is imprisoned, there must be a body of evidence, but it will also allow him to perhaps prove his innocence. »

The player is currently presumed innocent. “All I can say is that he is a problem-free boy, charming, adorable, of unusual kindness, added the president of the SUA in the columns of Southwest. We fall a little from the clouds, it’s very surprising all that. We are waiting to see what will come out of this situation before making a decision. »

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