Pro-Palestinian Demonstrations in Rabat, Morocco Demand End to Ties with Israel amid Gaza Conflict

by time news

2023-12-10 23:08:16
Massive Pro-Palestinian Protest in Morocco Calls for Severing Ties with Israel

In the midst of ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip, thousands gathered in the Moroccan capital of Rabat on Sunday to participate in a pro-Palestinian demonstration. The protesters waved flags and called on the government to sever ties with Israel in response to what they termed “the Israeli attacks in the Strip that resulted in the death of thousands of Palestinian citizens.”

The demonstration was organized by the PJD party, the largest Islamic party in Morocco, which led the government from 2011 to 2021. The protest signals a growing opposition to Israel within the country, with demonstrators rejecting the normalization of relations and calling for an end to ties with Israel.

Similar sentiment was recently expressed by hundreds of human rights activists, academics, and public opinion leaders in Morocco who urged the government to halt normalization with Israel. They emphasized the need for the Moroccan government to stand by international justice and historical ties to the liberation of Palestine.

The recent wave of protests in Morocco comes in the wake of a normalization agreement signed between Israel and Morocco in December 2020, with American mediation. The agreement followed former US President Donald Trump’s recognition of Morocco’s sovereignty over Western Sahara. The move was met with backlash from Iran, Hezbollah, and the Polisario Front organization operating against Morocco in the Western Sahara.

Following the signing of the agreement, the Moroccan King reaffirmed his support for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in a conversation with the head of the Palestinian Authority. However, senior officials in the Palestinian Authority condemned the agreement, claiming it was detrimental to the Palestinian struggle.

The massive protests in Rabat highlight the deep-seated opposition to Israel and the push for solidarity with the Palestinian cause in Morocco. As the conflict in the region continues, the pressure on the Moroccan government to sever ties with Israel is likely to increase.
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