2024-09-09 09:39:10
Supreme Court Civil Chamber Chief Justice Haswandi. Photo: personal doc.
jpnn.comJAKARTA – Chief Justice of the Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court (MA) Prof. Dr. H. Haswandi, SH, SE, M.Hum., MM, expressed his critical views on the challenges and opportunities of artificial intelligence (AI) in civil procedural law.
These challenges include data security issues and threats to privacy, the need for harmonization of privacy regulations and the development of AI that balances privacy protection and freedom of data use, as well as ethical and moral issues in AI-based decision making.
In addition, AI also poses challenges related to responsibility for decisions made, the social impact of those decisions, and the security and threats to decisions made by AI.
Accountability and responsibility for AI decisions as well as oversight and enforcement of AI systems are challenges that must be faced.
However, Prof. Haswandi emphasized that AI presents great opportunities in supporting human work, especially in difficult and complex tasks.
“In the Supreme Court, AI has begun to be utilized, especially in the appointment of the panel of judges who will hear a case,” said Haswandi, at the ADHAPER National Conference and Call for Papers on Civil Procedure Law VII organized by the Association of Civil Procedure Law Lecturers (ADHAPER) in collaboration with the Faculty of Law, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta (UPNVJ).
Haswandi also added that in the future, AI will be used to improve the e-Court system, assist in translation, and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the judicial workflow.
According to him, AI can not only simplify the process, but can also help reduce the gap in access to justice. However, to ensure that the use of AI in the legal field runs well, clear regulations are needed.
Prof. Haswandi conveyed his views on the challenges and opportunities of AI in civil procedural law.