Profession leftist – THE NEWS

by time news

2023-10-27 15:20:40

Alexis Tsipras as a politician I do not like him and as a personality I do not appreciate him. This is known to the readers of the column, but I feel obliged to repeat it, because I want to talk to you about the one thing that I admit and admire in Tsipras, the one reason why I respect him. So, as a professional, I take my hat off to him. As a professional I respect him and praise him! He chose the particular career of the Left at an early age and excelled in the difficult profession of the Left, reaching the top office of Prime Minister before he was forty. Today, he has solved his livelihood (he served as prime minister) and deals with the political situation of Europe, i.e. he does tourism at the Council of Europe. I doubt if he himself ever imagined, e.g. in his thirties, that before he was fifty he would have traveled such a route. Can you not recognize him? I don’t value the profession he practiced at all, but I recognize that he honored it with his performance.

I say all this, to come to the famous meeting in Strasbourg between Alexis Tsipras and George II of Papandreou (GAP), which “TA NEA” revealed a few days ago. My assessment is that a man with the strict professionalism of the former president of SYRIZA would be primarily interested in being informed by the GAP about the tricks and tips in Strasbourg, i.e. what to watch out for, where to go, where not to pass even from the outside, etc. etc. You know, all those practical everyday issues that scare us when we suddenly find ourselves in a foreign city. Someone has to take him to task for all of this, and who better than GAP?

Here, I need to refer to an unknown incident from the past, which illuminates the kind of practical, almost instrumental, approach Alexis Tsipras has to things. As soon as he became prime minister, traveling to Germany, he met a Greek employee of the European Central Bank on the plane. The president was excited to find out that there are also Greeks in positions of responsibility in Frankfurt and asked him: “How many can we appoint there?”. The other answered him, no one and that he had won his position by competition. A man with such a mentality, I believe, would be more interested in the practical possibilities offered by his position in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

I don’t doubt it the possibility of political interest in the meeting of the two former prime ministers, another thing. It exists, however, as an extension of Tsipras’ practical and pragmatic approach to the issue of survival. That is, how will he be able to take his salary from the Parliament for granted, if SYRIZA is dissolved the day after tomorrow? In order for him to have his pension settled, the fund that pays his pension, i.e. the party he founded and with which he is elected, must not fall out. Why would ND or PASOK make him a State Member of Parliament as a former prime minister, I don’t see it possible. Well, Tsipras needs SYRIZA to continue to exist, if not in its current form, at least as a left-wing organization in which he will have an honorable place.

In this sense, yes, GAP is offered. In addition to being an ideal guide to the good life in Strasbourg, he can also be an interlocutor for the collaboration scenario, which he opened up and which he insists on, with that persistence that only George can have. In SYRIZA, as you can see, the situation is dragging on from day to day and tomorrow is doubtful. The only certainty I would risk is that the SYRIZA that will participate in the European elections will not be the one that exists today. Many have already figured it out and are either searching or looking for the next situation. The European elections, moreover, are in fact the ideal field for a new party or scheme, as they once said in the bouzoukis, to test its luck. In the European elections, the political importance is perfectly combined with the luxury of the voter to choose knowing that his vote does not change the government in his country. Therefore, such an opportunity, which comes once in five years, you do not let it pass. Especially when the profession has become second nature…

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