Professor Holo resolutely against the use of force

by time news

2023-08-21 00:37:21

Resolution of the crisis in Niger: Professor Holo resolutely against the use of force

Views: 33

What’s he saying : The former President of the Court constitutestionally, Théodore Holo spoke about the situation in Niger, deploring the coup against Bazoum. He was received on Sunday August 20, 2023, on the program “de Vous à Nous” on Radio Peace FM. During the broadcast, Théodore Holo also marked his opposition to the settlement of the crisis by force and prioritizes the option of dialogue. “I don’t want our conflicts to be settled by force. I hope that it is the law that defines the mechanisms for resolving our conflicts and that the losers also accept the decision of the constitutional court,” confided the former president of the high court of Benin. According to him, whatever the conditions under which the deposed President of Niger, Mohamed Bazoum was elected, it is out of the question that we want to use force to solve a problem related to his election. For Théodore Holo, if the ECOWAS must manage to make a military intervention in Niger, it is then necessary to note the failure of the negotiations. “We must first exhaust all avenues of diplomacy and note the failure of this diplomacy before resorting to force,” he suggested while inviting stakeholders to use common sense. “I hope that common sense will intervene so that the necessary compromises are found so that the formula which has always worked for ECOWAS can give its results”, he wished. Constitutionalist Théodore Holo also stressed that “power belongs to the people. The military have no legitimacy to pose as arbiters. When a soldier believes that he has ideas that can advance his country, he resigns from the army, creates his own political party or he is a candidate for a presidential election”.

Between the lines : On Tuesday July 26, 2023, President Mohamed Bazoum was overthrown by elements of the presidential guard led by General Tiani. He is being kept locked up in his presidential residence with his family. ECOWAS demanded a return to constitutional order, with Bazoum reinstated in office, but nothing was done. . The sub-regional organization then took several sanctions against the junta and brandished a military intervention to restore the ousted president.

Jean Baptiste Elias at the Public Conference at the IAJP: “We cannot make democracy without listening to the people” Worrying situations following the situation at the top of the State of Niger: “ECOWAS has never advocated war against the people of Niger”, explains Me Jacques Migan
#Professor #Holo #resolutely #force

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