Professor Michel Goldman, famous promoter of vaccines, suspects the Pfizer vaccine of having aggravated his cancer

by time news

Professor Michel Goldman, professor of immunology and pharmacotherapy at the Free University of Brussels in Belgium, famous in Europe for being one of the most ardent promoters of vaccines, suspects his third booster injection against Covid-19 of be the cause of the aggravation of his cancer.

In an interview with the American media The Atlantic, the scientist made known his wish to increase transparency around discussions on the anti-Covid vaccine. On this occasion, he made public his suspicions about the aggravating effect of his third booster dose of the Pfizer vaccine received on September 22, 2021 on his cancer.

After the diagnosis of an angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (AITL), a very aggressive cancer, Professor Goldman explains that he urgently made an appointment to receive his booster vaccine, judging that he would particularly need it before starting his chemotherapy. , this cancer treatment leads to a weakening of the immune system.

“Fireworks inside the body”

On the other hand, shortly after his vaccination booster, by performing an X-ray examination, he found that his cancer had developed at a spectacular speed: “It looked like someone had lit fireworks inside Michel’s body”relate The Atlantic.

On November 25, 2021, together with his brother, a scientist who also teaches at the Free University of Belgium, and other colleagues, Professor Goldman published a case study describing his experience, in which he urges the scientific community to study the impact of mRNA vaccination in patients diagnosed with AITD with a view to determining the recurrence of this phenomenon within this group.

The immunology professor remains, however, adamant about his position that the Covid vaccine is beneficial for the vast majority of the population, even though he himself is not yet certain whether he will receive a new injection. reminder: “I don’t know what I’m going to do yet. “, he confides.

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