Professor Perronne: experience and competence flouted

by time news

TRIBUNE – The Collectif Lyme TEAM, an association of general interest, is fighting to have the persistent forms of tick-borne diseases, including Lyme disease, recognized. These diseases are misdiagnosed and poorly treated. 20% of people who know they have been bitten by ticks develop a long and persistent illness that too few doctors recognize.

For 30 years, incredible denial has weighed on the persistence of these diseases. The discord between doctors is terrible and those who pay the price are the sick: millions of people around the world see their lives shattered following a tick bite.

For 30 years, Professor Perronne has made this known tirelessly with the help of other of his colleagues.

A great international specialist in tick-borne diseases, he did not hesitate to alienate certain colleagues in order to alert and come to the aid of the sick, thus saving many lives.

We thank him and admire his courage.

What is the relationship between Lyme disease, management of Covid-19 and Professor Perronne?

We citizens with Lyme and Co can testify that medicine is sick. Many of us can testify how some doctors can deviate from the fundamental values ​​of their profession.

For certain pathologies, erroneous dogmas serve as benchmarks for decision-makers, to which are added numerous conflicts of interest, preventing any progress.

This is the case for Lyme disease and the same is true for Covid-19.

The EBM is misguided

During the Covid-19 crisis, we heard endlessly about “scientific studies”. For our part, we denounce the fact that theEvidence Based Medicine (EBM) (in French, evidence-based medicine), is no longer respected. This was set up in 1995 so that three joint criteria were taken into account when dealing with a scientific and medical question:

– Publications of scientific research
– Doctor’s experience
– The patient’s opinion

Whether for Lyme disease or for Covid-19, we have seen how the EBM is misguided, under pressure from lobbies, political influences and the interests of certain doctors. From now on, only the first criterion is retained: scientific studies, discarding the following two, which are the experience of doctors and the opinion of the patient. And again, only certain scientific publications are authoritative, studies which sometimes turn out to be completely false, as everyone has seen with the LancetGate affair.

Evidence-based medicine in its current state is therefore too often a major obstacle to everyone’s health. This will remind the attentive multitude of the rejection of the proposals of Professor Raoult, Professor Perronne and others, in France and elsewhere, from the start of the Covid-19 crisis.

Why are the voices that contradict the doxa systematically attacked?

At Collectif Lyme TEAM, we see that certain voices manage to paralyze an entire profession by making it apply the instructions imposed on it without critical thinking. This is how so-called “learned” societies, pharmaceutical laboratories, international organizations, marketing consulting firms, manipulate public health, causing the wealth of some and the distress of others. In today’s medical system, when a voice rises to give a different opinion or make an important observation, a thousand other voices rise in return to silence it.

Thus doctors and researchers like Professor Perronne are attacked, threatened, insulted, even excluded as soon as they treat and/or cure their patients outside the doxa, which is maintained by propaganda with the complicity of the media.


Like Professor Perronne, we defend the same point of view concerning tick bites and their possible effects on the health of millions of previously healthy people, who have seen their condition deteriorate over the years despite the treatments recommended by the “authorities”. “.

Remember in 2020 the ban on prescribing, the suddenly banned sale of hydroxychloroquine… and the doctors and journalists on TV sets attacking the best scientists in our country, such as Professor Didier Raoult and his team. Remember the front page of the newspaper Le Monde describing Professor Perronne as a “referent for conspiracy theorists”, he who has advised several governments, held international responsibilities and published hundreds of studies, he whose CV is a cathedral! What disinformation and especially what censorship!

No one wants a healthcare system that imposes: turnover targets with yields and benefits. Medicine must become benevolent again. As such, we have a moved thought for all the caregivers who suffer from no longer being able to carry out their job with suspension of salary.

Christian Perronne is summoned today to the disciplinary chamber of the Order of Physicians. And what is the reason?

– Professor Perronne protested against the management of the Covid-19 epidemic? Doesn’t he have the skills, the experience and above all the legitimacy to express himself in this kind of situation?

– During the crisis, he continued to save lives like Professor Raoult with the prohibited protocol. Isn’t it the duty of a doctor to save lives? If we take the trouble to be well informed internationally, reality has proven him right.

– He has written two factual and sourced books from start to finish on the management of Covid.

– He is accused of criticizing his colleagues: he gave his opinion on the management of a crisis, he argued in front of aggressive colleagues, he did not insult them, unlike certain well-identified doctors who are taken to him with great violence on social networks and TV sets.

Why take so many risks?

What benefit does Professor Perronne derive from seeing his face make the headlines, accused of conspiracy or fabrication? What success or personal enrichment can he hope for at the end of a busy career? What interest would he have in seeing himself ridiculed and insulted? His goal was to give his experienced point of view while respecting a code of honor to make room for the truth.

It should be remembered that “The Council of the Order is responsible for ensuring that the interests of the patient are preserved. It is time to listen to all these patients and these citizens who are rising up and to put an end to this witch hunt.

We are grateful to Professor Perronne and history will prove him right: whatever happens, he will retain his dignity.

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