Program, entourage … What you need to know about the visit of the Head of State

by time news

Time to come out red carpet. After being received by the former tenant of the White House, Donald Trump in 2018, Emmanuel Macron is back from this Tuesday evening in Washington, at the invitation of Joe Biden. A State visit to the United States – the second, therefore, for the French President – which should allow the leaders, between two small ovens at the State dinner and a visit to the cemetery of Arlington, to evoke the war in Ukraine, the climate, the space conquest or economic dissension.

This extraordinary stay at the White House, the top of the top in terms of diplomacy, will bring Emmanuel Macron from Washington to New Orleans on Friday. And the good news is that 20 Minutes is on the trip. What are the challenges of this American week? What happens behind the scenes of such a state visit? What to expect in the coming hours? Our political journalist Rachel Garrat-Valcarcel, present on site, takes stock for you every morning on video.

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