Progressives and the defense of slavery, the strange rights that the dem like – Libero Quotidiano

by time news
Charles Giovanardi

In the Rainbow Square of Milano, led by the new Pd secretary Elly Schlein, the LGBTQ movements have announced a battle for the rights in their opinion endangered by the centre-right parliamentary majority, primarily that of homosexual couples to procure a child. Naturally, all this in the name of progress, finally getting out of the obscurantist attitudes of the past, such as the one, for example, which believes that children cannot be bought and have the right to have a father and a mother.

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This position of the Italian Democratic Party reminded me of the great battle that another democratic party, that of the United States, fought “in the middle” of the 1800s to support the right of whites to legally enslave blacks. The comparison between the Democrats of Jefferson Davis and the Republicans of Abraham Lincoln, opposed to slavery, was not only of ideas but left about six hundred thousand dead on the battlefields. In fact, the secessionist states of the South maintained that both from a political, cultural and even religious point of view, keeping other men as slaves was not only lawful but also morally acceptable since the masters guaranteed benevolent treatment to the families of those who otherwise would not be were able to manage themselves.

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It is impressive today to see that all of this was held up as a defense of rights that Lincoln wanted to question. One of the strong arguments of the Confederates was in fact that of not questioning the choice of the Northern States to repeal slavery but at the same time contesting their intention to repeal it also in the Southern States, thus affecting the interests and rights of the rich landowners of those lands that blacks could buy them. Today we can see with certainty that the principle that slavery has gradually been accepted throughout the world it cannot be regulated but cancelled and criminally prosecuted all those who actually want to practice it. It therefore seems to me that Schlein’s reasons for supporting the right of two men to commission a child by paying a woman for the gestation is very much in line with the ideas of the American Democrats of the 1800s on the rights of slave owners, while those who want to make the uterus become rent universal crime is very much in line with the ideas on the rights of every human being of a President named Abraham Lincoln. Or not?

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