Project Everywhere: The Video Game Industry Metaverse

by time news

At last year’s edition of Gamescom, a new studio on the scene called Build A Rocket Boy announced a project being developed on Unreal Engine 5 called Everywhere. This project caught the attention of many because the producer and director is Leslie Benzies, and for those who don’t know, Leslie is the former producer of the GTA series.

So far, not many official details have been revealed, but with a quick look at the project’s press conference, Everywhere is a large world (divided into small worlds) with a charming, colorful, art-oriented fusion of Fortnite and Overwatch. Players will be able to move between these different environments, which will be centered around a central city.

The central city includes a main square, several small neighborhoods, various entertainment areas, and other environments in which players will be able to have adventures in, in other words: Everywhere is not a game, but more like a platform mini-game – like Assassin’s Creed Infinity – and contains more than one game inside Here’s everything we know about her so far.

Mind’sEye is the first game in the Everywhere universe

About a week ago, Mind’sEye was announced as the first game on Everywhere، It appears from the advertisement that it is a science fiction, action, and shooting game with a character that combines the world of Cyberpunk and the GTA series, in which the game hero will fight a very large number of enemies with the help of a new technology implanted in his body, and since the Everywhere project will be released sometime this year on the PC, we can We say the same on Mind’sEye.

The ad did not reveal enough information, which is only natural as it is a teaser. All we know so far is that Mind’sEye’s gameplay is heartwarming and its art direction is very different from what we saw at Gamescom, not to mention the promising cast and a very Cyberpunk-like environment.

A world of many dimensions

The developers describe Everywhere as a “multi-world game,” and its trailer visually reinforces that description; If you focus on the advertisement, you will find that there is a “future city” that will be the center that we talked about quickly in the introduction, and this center branches out from several other cities and worlds, some of which did not appear in the advertisement, but rather we saw pictures of them in several other reliable sources.

What the advertisement revealed was only 3 vital areas “dimensions”, the first environment was a lush forest, the second a volcanic area, and the third a world of candy (it reminded me of the cartoon Adventure Time series). Overall, it will be interesting to see how Everywhere is used to change our perception of gaming.

Team play as we have not seen it before.. so they claim

“We want players to build their own world of Everywhere, we want them to tell their own stories in their own game, and I believe it is human nature for us to visit uncharted territories to find a place to feel free, to be creative, and finally to share our amazing experiences.”

From a statement like this, and from many others, we can deduce that this world will be full of dynamism, and as it is clear to us from the declaration; The project will include group games in the third-person shooter category, racing category, and others.

Assistant director Adam Whiting says that the studio does not want the project to be ordinary like any other game, but rather wants to build a new world in which players can feel that they are in real reality by interacting directly with each other, something similar to Metaverse if you notice, but will it be The project is really like that, or are these statements just vain dreams and platonic promises like No Man’s Sky, Star Citizen, and others? We’ll see.

“And Everything” Sub-Stories

And last but not least, the Everywhere project will offer us many stories with different branches, according to Leslie Benzies, who also said that he wants players to create their own stories with their true personalities In this virtual world, didn’t I tell you it’s like the Metaverse? And let me add a line of poetry to you: Benzies wants to do everything that can be achieved in video games, but in one place.

In the end, I will not keep you secret that these statements seem very rosy and that achieving them on the ground is much more difficult than we expect. The developers of the Star Citizen project, mentioned above, raised about $ 400 million and the title has been in development for 9 years, even if they promised us that we would see the most ambitious project in the history of games, and that the game would be a world that breathes and interacts with players, and we have not seen anything.

I am not saying that Everywhere will be like other false projects, but I see the ceiling of hopes rising and rising, and I am afraid that it will fall suddenly and without warning.

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