Projects over 3 million euros for the Academy, for the 1st time since 1964 (!)

by time news

2023-08-24 14:06:01

Today, August 24, 2023, the Deputy Mayor of Cultural Monuments and Construction Services, Dr. Stefanos I. Drakos, accompanied by his colleagues and officials of the Directorate of Medieval Town and Monuments of the Municipality of Rhodes, in order to coordinate the start of one (1) of the three (3) projects that have been launched to be carried out gradually in the monument complex.

The first project, amounting to seventy-four thousand four hundred euros (€74,400.00), concerns the courtyard area of ​​the 22nd Kindergarten of Rhodes, the second also amounting to seventy-four thousand four hundred euros (€74,400.00), concerns work on the frames and the third amounting to more than three million euros (€3,000,000.00) concerns the overall restoration of the school complex.

As regards the first project entitled: “Restoration of courtyard space in the school complex of the Academy”, it was included after a proposal by the Deputy Mayor Dr. Stefanou I. Drakos, in the Technical Program and Budget of the Municipality of Rhodes for the year 2023, with a credit of seventy four thousand four hundred euros (€74,400.00). The competent Directorate of Medieval City and Monuments of the Municipality of Rhodes, drew up the Technical Report and its Budget and proceeded with all the required bureaucratic procedures up to the tender of the project, which was carried out on July 04, 2023, but it turned out to be AGONI. The project was subsequently re-auctioned. This includes works to restore the eastern face of the building, restore the courtyard floor, create a ramp for the disabled, install a playground (slide, etc.) and a new swing.

The second project entitled: “Replacement of frames in school buildings of the Directorate of Medieval Town and Monuments” amounting to seventy-four thousand four hundred euros (€74,400.00), was included after reformulation in the Technical Program and Budget of the Directorate of Medieval Town and Monuments of the Municipality of Rhodes for the year 2023 , in order to address some immediate needs until the completion of the final application study which includes the total replacement of the frames.

The third project, amounting to more than three million euros (€3,000,000.00), concerns the overall restoration of the school complex and for this reason a definitive application study is being drawn up by the Directorate of Medieval Town and Monuments of the Municipality of Rhodes, which is in its final stage . Immediately after its completion, it will be submitted for approval to the relevant Authorities and then the project will be auctioned with an international tender. This is the only comprehensive intervention in the building that has been launched from 1964 until today.

The completion of emergency interventions to remove any danger has already progressed with corresponding works around the perimeter of the building, which will be repeated where required before the start of the school term, while at the same time small-scale self-supervised works are being carried out inside the building, such as replacement of worn gutters, local insulations, oil painting etc. in order of priority.

What did the municipal authority of Antonis V. Kambourakis receive:

Ø The school complex of the Academy, with an area of ​​5,000 square meters only at the building level (without the courtyard areas), which had NOT undergone a total operation since 1964 (!).

What he DID and what he is DOING:

He made:

Ø Small-scale self-supervision works where necessary and feasible in all the schools housed in the Academy’s monumental complex, such as insulation, restoration, oil painting, glass and/or frame repairs, replacement of worn gutters, etc.

Ø Emergency operations to remove any danger around the perimeter of the building,

Ø Credits of one hundred and forty-eight thousand eight hundred euros (€148,800.00), which he entered in the Technical Program and Budget for the year 2023 of the Directorate of Medieval Town and Monuments of the Municipality of Rhodes for the execution of two (2) projects, as described above,

Ø Appropriations of one million euros (€1,000,000.00) in the Technical Program and Budget for the year 2023 of the Directorate of Medieval City and Monuments of the Municipality

Rhodes with a multi-year expenditure for the execution of the overall restoration project, which will be reformed upwards upon the completion of the implementation study,

Ø Completed the study related to the project entitled: “Restoration of courtyard space in the school complex of the Academy”, which was auctioned.

It does:

Ø Project entitled: “Restoration of courtyard area in the school complex of the Academy”, which is being carried out,

Ø Small-scale self-supervision works where necessary in all schools housed in the Academy’s monumental complex in order of priority,

Ø Re-inspection of the perimeter of the building in the context of emergency operations,

Ø Study on the “Replacement of frames in school buildings of the Directorate of Medieval City and Monuments” and the tendering of the corresponding project upon its completion,

Ø Final application study for the overall restoration of the building, amounting to more than three million euros (€3,000,000.00), which is in the final stage. Its approval and auction will follow.

In conclusion, what has been planned for the school memorial complex of the Academy, has NEVER been done from the year 1964 (!) until today.

Our PROJECTS respond to misinformation (!).

The Deputy Mayor of Cultural Monuments and Construction Service Dr. Stefanos I. Drakos Dr. Civil Engineer AUTH

#Projects #million #euros #Academy #1st #time

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