“Promote a virtuous Italian model against waste and a globalized diet”

by time news

“Italy must represent a virtuous model of development for other countries. And it must do so not thinking about today but building for the future, without canceling what has been done by previous governments. We cannot waste 17% of food due to various inefficiencies, starting with those in the cold chain. One of the ways to fight hunger is first of all to prevent food from deteriorating, and that is why I think, for example, of a ‘world association of farmers markets. In Italy they constitute a total value of over 6 billion, with 12 thousand companies involved “. This was said at the Rimini Meeting on president of Coldiretti Ettore Prandini. And again, as part of the reflection on climate change, zootechnics: “The Italian livestock sector pollutes twice less than that of Germany and three times less than that of France”.

This is the model to defend, according to Prandini, above all against the attempt to “arrive at a globalized diet all over the world that has its pivot in artificial food”, and which is managed by “two or three multinationals” operating a huge “concentration of wealth”. Attempts that are beginning to be supported also at the European level with public resources.

“The problem of food – highlights Prandini – is therefore not only on the other side of the world but concerns our populations and our families”. And speaking of families, President Coldiretti affirms that “we must stop blaming family businesses, which represent 90% of the Italian economic fabric” and that, too, can represent a model to be exported to guarantee food security.

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