Propaganda to go to war in Ukraine: who is pulling the strings?

by time news

2024-04-04 15:25:39

OPINION / ANALYSE – As early as February 24, 2022, the start day of the Russian special military operation, the President of the European Commission Von der Leyen announced two decisions.

  • Russian state media were to be banned across the EU.
  • The EU was going to finance the delivery of weapons to Ukraine.

I was stunned to hear this, knowing that the Commission did not have such decision-making powers in these areas under the existing treaties. And yet, it went like a letter in the mail. No head of state or government, no Parliament has protested. All countries aligned themselves with this speech without batting an eyelid.

In a completely Orwellian maneuver where words are used to express their opposite, a “European Peace Facility” was created, to actually buy weapons to fuel the war in Ukraine. The Europe of peace, which we were sold for decades, was becoming the Europe of war!

We could then realize that such decisions could only have been discussed and decided in advance, as if war were considered something acquired, even desired. It remains to be seen who is at the origin of these exceptional measures, of this institutional coup which allowed the European Commission, after the abuse of power during the Covid era, to continue to extend its power by taking advantage of crises. .

And beyond that, the entire media machine aligned itself on the same line, even ecstatic that the crisis allowed the EU to finally assert itself, and no one anymore debated the origins of this war . We are facing an institutional machine of colossal power because it is pan-state, coordinated, multipotent, with almost absolute control over the media. Even the opposition parties align themselves and refuse to question the system, and its tools of non-democratic domination and control that have becomeI WILL and the EU


We cannot reasonably ask the question of who controls our policies without talking about Blackrock, the richest American investment fund in the world which owns shares in almost every major company.

“It’s not who the president is (that matters), it’s who controls the president’s wallet”

In this video filmed on hidden camera and published in June 2023, Serge Varlay, headhunter at Blackrock, had these words: “(The war in) Ukraine is good for business (…) we don’t want this conflict to end. The longer it lasts, the weaker Russia will be.”

We recognize here an extremely cynical logic, aiming to arm Ukraine not so that it wins the war, but just enough to make it last as long as possible. And when there are no longer enough Ukrainians to die on the front, all we will have to do is send the rest of Europe there.

In doing so, the interests of American neo-conservative ideologues who think in terms of global balance of power, and those of major American investors, coincide.

Then, Varlay adds a sentence specifically about wheat:

“Ukraine’s economy is very largely linked to the global wheat market. This is fantastic if you are in trading. Volatility provides opportunities for profit. War is really really good for business! »

This is where it is useful to remember that Blackrock is a shareholder in the three American agribusiness giants, Cargill, Dupont and Monsanto, which massively bought agricultural land in Ukraine after forcing Zelensky to put in place laws that allowed foreigners to buy this land.

So, for Blackrock, Ukraine must be able to export its wheat, because it is also its own. And so Ukraine must retain control of Odessa to be able to export this wheat. And at the same time the war must last as long as possible, because this guarantees that wheat prices will remain high, or can go up and down creating new opportunities for profit. But in the end, Russia must not win the war against Ukraine, because that would threaten all of Blackrock’s investments.

It is clear that Blackrock’s interests correspond exactly to Macron’s stated objectives.

From February 26, 2022, France has sent troops in Romania, a country bordering the Odessa region. She would therefore be well placed to defend Blackrock’s interests there. But of course, this motivation would never appear in official press releases. That said, through the declarations of Benjamin Haddad who deplores, with wide eyes, that Russia could take control of the Black Sea and Ukraine, and that as a result it would take control of a third of world grain exports, we see that his concerns align with Blackrock’s interests, without expressly saying so. And Stéphane Séjourné, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, makes the same speech. It is obviously American private interests, and not those of France, or even of Europe, that Macronie is defending.

Furthermore, Blackrock, as an investor in the American arms industry, also has an interest from this point of view in ensuring that the war in Ukraine lasts as long as possible, in order to sell ever more weapons. In the same way, they also have an interest in the continued expansion of NATO. Therefore, we must continue to create and maintain a climate of fear in Europe, so that member countries and affiliates are encouraged to buy more and more weapons, and in particular American weapons. The integration of Sweden and Finland thus directly benefits the American military-industrial complex, because new members must adopt NATO standards. And Ukraine, if it survives the current war, must follow.

Finally, Blackrock a sign, at the end of 2022, a contract to coordinate the reconstruction of Ukraine. The more this country is destroyed, the more it will have to be rebuilt, and the more opportunities for profit there will be.

The financial interests of this American investment fund in Ukraine at war are therefore colossal. They win on all counts, as long as the war lasts, and Russia does not win it.

Robert Kennedy Jr, nephew of the late President John Kennedy and independent candidate in the upcoming US presidential election, has very well denounced Blackrock’s exorbitant influence in American policy in Ukraine.

Finally, Varlay also explains how easy it is to bribe American parliamentarians so that they vote for laws that society wants to see put in place. Thus, it is Blackrock and other similar companies that control the Western world, through permanent lobbying or corruption. In his time, Jacques Chirac had already confided to Philippe de Villiers that American lobbies controlled Brussels.

Furthermore, we know that Larry Flink, the CEO of Blackrock, is regularly guest at the Elysée, like all the great American CEOs, from Bill Gates to Albert Bourla to the Soros family.

So, if Blackrock is so powerful, the next question is who are the major shareholders of this company. But information on this subject is rather a matter for specialists, because we find the main American investment funds like Vanguard, State Street, or banks like Bank of America. And when we look for the main shareholder of Vanguard, we find… Blackrock. These powerful companies own and control each other through cross-investments which make the real decision-making circuits opaque. There is an entire financial oligarchy that controls the Western world. What remains of our democracy is theater.

It is therefore not difficult to imagine who gives his orders to Macron, who forces him to “send guys to Odessa”.

Furthermore, American economist Jeffrey Sachs claims that Macron would make decisions on Ukraine, decisions that would go against what he thinks. It would therefore clearly be controlled from the outside.

The United States being blocked by the House of Representatives, it is on France that the globalized oligarchy which governs us seems to have turned to serve its interests in Ukraine. Our country indeed has the EU army most capable of deployment abroad, coupled with a nuclear power, having a constitution which strengthens the powers of the executive, a submissive Parliament, and of earned media. Our country therefore has interesting and easily controllable means. The assets of France as de Gaulle wanted them thus become attractions for those who govern us against our interests. That’s the tragedy of today’s situation.

#Propaganda #war #Ukraine #pulling #strings

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