Propagation of staghorn fern to generate income for farmers

by time news

Propagating staghorn ferns

1) How to propagate staghorn ferns

By sporulation, that is, starting from the collection of spores under the fern leaves. Selected from a group of spores that are light brown to dark brown. which indicates that the spores are fully mature Use a knife to cut off the spore-bearing frond and store it in a paper envelope that doesn’t disperse the small spores. Then keep it in a dry, shaded area within 1-2 days. The spores will be completely separated and use small forceps to remove the spores. And parts of leaves or things out of the spores and collect all the spores to prepare for planting.

2) Division of staghorn ferns

Propagation by dividing clumps takes about 2-4 years of clumps to be divided for new plantings. one more time


1. Light intensity management

Planted under greenhouses or planted in pots. in a 70 percent thatched shed

2. Temperature management

The optimum temperature in the greenhouse is 19-27 degrees Celsius during the day.

3. Fertilizer

The liquid fertilizer should be irrigated with watering the plants twice a week until the flowers begin to be cut by the following formula:

Fertilizer Bucket A (kg) Bucket B (kg)

Monoammonophosphate 11-60-0 8 –

Calcium Nitrate 15-0-0 – 20

Potassium Nitrate 13-0-46 10 10

Magnesium Sulfate MgSo4.7H2O 4 –

Unit 0.5 –

Concentrated liquid fertilizer (Stock) Measure liquid fertilizer formula A and B, each 1 liter, mix with 200 liters of clean water, stir well before watering. Plants can water plants of 100-150 square meters. Additional fertilizers such as water-soluble urea should be added. In the early stages of pruritic growth or bipholan granules fertilizer. Additional fish fertilizers are added from time to time as appropriate.

Diseases and pests of staghorn fern

Leaf spots and blight

Cause: Rhizoctonia sp.

Symptoms : Leaves are large spots. Dark brown margin, pale center, burnt tip.

How to prevent

– Trim the diseased parts from the plots, burn them, destroy them.

– Spray the chemical Benomil (Benlate OD, Phonomil or Fundazol) alternating with Captan (Orthoside) or Triclophase-Methyl (Rizolex) every time. 5-7 days until there is no outbreak

scarab beetle

Small appearance with sharp teeth Likes to eat young leaves as food causing the leaves to be flawed or damaged

How to prevent staghorn ferns

– Capture alive and destroy, which is a very effective method.

– Destroy natural enemies such as birds

– Use chemical insecticides to spray.


Water regularly, if the soil is still moist, reduce the frequency of watering by testing the soil compaction. Growing inside a black saran greenhouse should be careful about waterlogging. Drainage ditches may need to be raised as excess moisture can cause the plant to rot.


1) Harvesting period

Leaves must be of sufficient age. and is fresh, free from disease and insect damage, the leaves can be bent up to 30 degrees

2) Harvest method

Use scissors to cut off the old and fresh green leaves.

3) Standard measurements

Grade 1, leaf length 70-80 centimeters.

Width of leaves 20-30 cm.

Grade 2 leaf length 60-70 centimeters.

Width of leaves 15-20 cm.

Grade U, leaf length 50-60 cm.

Width of leaves 15-20 cm.

4) the right time to harvest

Should be cut in the morning or evening.

post-harvest management

– Should be soaked in a solution to preserve the life of flowers

– During storage or transportation should be in the shade. sunlight does not reach

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