Properties and uses of grape seed extract (OPC)

by time news

2023-05-15 10:03:17

The grape (Vitis vinifera) It is a plant that, in Mediterranean countries, the entire population knows, since it is native to these regions, where high-quality wines with protected designations of origin from different regions of Spain, France and Italy are prepared from it; however, in other countries the plant may be more unknown, although really, grapes or their by-products are consumed more or less regularly throughout the world.

The most general thing from this plant is to consume its fruitwhich is what we essentially know as grapes (edible grapes), from which the juice is obtained by pressing (grape must), which when preserved and fermented generates alcohols that transform it into wine.

Raisins are also prepared from the grapes, which are used in confectionery and as food itself. They are dehydrated grapes.

Surely you have heard many times that a glass of wine a day is a good thing… Well, this is not the case at all, the reasoning is due to its natural supply of resveratrol and polyphenolsbut these compounds can be found in grapes without the need to ferment them to obtain wine.

There is no excuse (beyond leisure, responsibly) to consume alcohol in the diet.

Among all the polyphenols, a group of catechin dimers and trimers called oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPC) stand out.

OPCs are famous because a lot of research has been carried out on them since multiple positive effects have been shown from their consumption:

  • Properties against cholesterol.
  • Positive effects for circulation.
  • antihypertensive properties.
  • Better control of glycemia (blood sugar).
  • Reduced body weight and appetite.
  • Enhancement of natural immune defenses.
  • Powerful antioxidant effect.

In this article we discuss OPCs and their properties in more depth. Do not miss them!

What is grape seed extract used for?

Normally when we talk about preparations from the grape plant, we think of products that are obtained from its fruit, however, it is not the only usable part.

The richest parts in the appreciated OPC are: the skin of the fruit of the grape, and its seeds.

Few things can be obtained from the seeds, since it is not that it is frequent to eat them as if you can eat the seeds of other plants such as chia, sesame or sunflower (pipes).

What can be done with the seeds is to treat them to extract themthat is, to concentrate the seeds in powder that is later encapsulated, in order to be able to enjoy in a practical way the nutritional properties of the most naturally concentrated source of OPC.

Did you know that grape seed has a concentration up to 10 times higher in OPC than blueberries? (another food very rich in these polyphenols).

1. Great source of antioxidants

Thanks to its high content of Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins, grape seed extract is an excellent antioxidant ingredient..

Its polyphenols help to cope with oxidative stress, controlling inflammation and serving as a preventative for many diseases such as arterial hypertension, hepatic steatosis and diabetes that are catalyzed by low-grade chronic inflammation generated by exposure to environmental oxidizing agents.

2. Fight being overweight

Grape seed oligomeric proanthocyanidins, together with a healthy lifestyle based on a hypocaloric diet and regular physical exercise, help reduce appetiteand may result in better caloric control by eating fewer calories daily.

All of this, together with a decrease in basal insulinemia, possible potentiation of the conversion of white adipocytes into brown fat, and an upward modulation of metabolic regulation factors such as PPARγ, make OPC-rich grape seed extract an excellent supplement for the reduction of the percentage of fat, of the body weight, and for slimming diets, in general.

What is grape seed extract used for?

3. Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease

Thanks to the antioxidant properties of oligomeric proanthocyanidins, as well as other polyphenols contained in the grape seed, This compound has important protective properties on the cardiovascular system (both the heart and blood vessels).

It is able to reduce arterial stiffness, favoring the contraction-distension activity of the vascular endothelium, allowing arteries and veins to better adapt to changes in blood volume, lowering blood pressure and having a better hemodynamic effect than protects the heart and blood vessels from problems such as heart attacks and bleeding due to increased intravascular pressure.

4. It can improve sports performance

Said flexibilizing effect on blood vessels can help improve blood transport during physical exercise.

It is not like consuming nitrates or arginine, which immediately affect the synthesis of nitric oxide, improving blood transport in a matter of minutes; but it is true that the biological routes on which it impacts:

They can have a very positive effect on the vascular response to the increased needs for blood, oxygen and nutrient transport to the muscles, especially in elderly and/or sick people dealing with low-grade chronic inflammation, hypertension or some stress condition. low-latency metabolic syndrome (such as metabolic syndrome or its constituents).

How to take grape seed extract?

There are not many ways to consume the grape seedsince as previously indicated, culinary ingredients are not made with it, as such it is not consumed in the diet.

The only source that we can usually eat is the fruit of the plant, that is, the grape itself, which, since it contains the skin, is also rich in OPC.

Los grape seed extractsof quality, can be found in food supplement stores, unfortunately many of them do not adequately control the OPC content of their extract.

Alfredo Valdés, one of our experts in ingredients and products, explains to you in a simple way what it means that an extract may “not know its contribution of an important compound” (such as OPCs).

OPC food supplements or grape seed extract

Due to the above, it is important to control well where the grape seed extract is purchased.

HSN has in its catalog a product “OPC COMPLEX” made from a highly concentrated grape seed extract, with a guaranteed high content (95%) of Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins (OPC)plus one Complete formula with synergistic nutrients such as vitamin C that supports the functioning of blood vessels, and thiamine that contributes to the care of the heart.

OPC Complex Grape Seed Extract from EssentialSeries

OPC Complex (Grape Seed Extract) from EssentialSeries.

Trust HSN, premium quality at the right price!

Bibliographic references

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