Prosperity and Decline of Complex Systems Science

by time news

The book. What do the walk of an ant, the jolts of a stock market, interactions on Facebook or the life of a cell have in common? All these systems are so-called “complex” systems, that is to say of course difficult to describe, but above all characterized by several sub-parts in reciprocal interactions, which can lead to the appearance, or “emergence”, according to the consecrated word, effects that are unforeseeable a priori. “The whole is more than the sum of the parts”is the expression that often summarizes this behavior.

The discipline that studies these complex systems, which appeared in the 1980s, is by nature interdisciplinary, combining mathematics, computer science, neurosciences, physics, biology… Its promoters, gathered within the famous Santa Fe Institute (New Mexico), created to develop this field of research, even saw in it a revolution capable of unlocking the secrets of life, of the Universe, even of science itself, or of allowing new applications in robotics, artificial intelligence, etc.

It is this beautiful story that the sociologist Fabrizio Li Vigni sets out to correct in a book taken from his thesis, thanks to a dive into the archives and nearly two hundred interviews with the main parties concerned. A revolution ? No, the field is running out of steam and hasn’t upset much in the end. A new idea? Neither, because, in reality, most of the tools mobilized in this context were born long before, in maths, in neurosciences… A discipline? Not even, so much the subject is, in fact, diversified.

Scientific platform

Finally, the sociologist prefers to invent the concept of scientific platform, aggregating several disciplines, tools and visions of knowledge, to describe its rather elusive object. This moving form of platform allows the sciences of complexity to persist beyond the decay of the initial idea. The main merit of the book is to clarify the definitions, communities and history of this “platform”.

Seven theories of complexity stand out, coming cybernetics, computer science, engineering, chaos or medicine. Five principles mainly drive scientists in the field, such as Okham’s razor (which says that the simplest idea is often the best), or simulation thanks to toy models supposed to reproduce reality.

A historical analysis reveals the recipes for giving birth to and growing a “revolutionary” concept. First play on interpersonal skills, notoriety and the address book of established scholars. Convince the money clerks by knocking at various counters. At the same time, to attract the good graces of the media and the public with blows of articles or popular books announcing the revolution. Finally, create your own newspapers, reviews, prizes or conferences to establish legitimacy.

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