Prosperity of NL will reach all of Mexico: Máynez

by times news cr

2024-05-08 09:13:15

Jorge Álvarez Máynezpresidential candidate of Citizen movement (MC) promised that if he achieved ownership of the federal Executive “the prosperity of Nuevo León will reach all of Mexico.”

The above during his visit to the La Huasteca park in Santa Catarina, NL, from where Álvarez Máynez highlighted the government model of his “compadre” Samuel Garciawhich has, in his words, managed to attract greater investments to the entity through nearshoring, as well as the dignification of public transportation, but also by guaranteeing health care for boys and girls with cancer.

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“Everything that is done in Nuevo León, in addition to doing it in Mexico, here we are going to do it twice because the people deserve it. The three best years in the history of Santa Catarina are coming, the three best years in the history of Nuevo León and the best time to be born, to grow up and to live in this great country,” said Máynez.

Likewise, he stressed that the next 3 years of García Sepúlveda’s mandate will bring more benefits for the northern entity:

“If in three years thousands of green trucks have become a reality to dignify public transportation, it has become the national leading state in attracting nearshoring, the Colombia Bridge and the new highway route. If in three years this has been possible, without Congress, without a government of the Republic that sees the future, that thinks about clean energy so that more investments arrive. If this has been possible in three years, what will happen in Nuevo León after we win the presidency will be better,” said Máynez.

Jorge Álvarez Máynez and Samuel García

The Emecista candidate highlighted that on June 2 the future of Mexico will be “defined”, which is why he called on citizens to go to the polls.

During his visit to Nuevo León he was accompanied by the candidate for mayor of Santa Catarina, Jesús Nava, the representative of the “phospho” movement called to maintain the same energy that has characterized his campaign, and in the following four weeks define the course of the contest:

“I thought it was possible to achieve what we have achieved, to be in the race, send PRIAN to third place and tell them today, in four weeks we are going to make history and we are going to win the presidency of the Republic from Morena,” Máynez highlighted.

2024-05-08 09:13:15

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