Prostate Antigen values ​​according to age

by time news

Los prostate antigen values is one of the most expected results when suspected of prostate cancer. However, it is not the only cause that can raise them, it also interferes with the inflammation of the prostate o one enlargement. If your doctor ordered a psa testdiscover what are the prostate antigen values ​​according to age.

He Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) is a protein which is produced by prostate gland, but when there is a problem with the prostate, PSA levels increase, describe specialists from the Cleveland Clinic Medical Institute.

What raises prostate antigen levels?

Although the prostate cancer in one of the main factors that raise the prostate antigen levels, They can also increase with age, or reveal some prostate problems, leek ejemlo, prostatitis or enlarged prostatebut also the following:

benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH): is a noncancerous enlargement of the prostate that is usually common in older men, which can cause elevated levels of prostatic antigen.

Prostate Antigen values ​​according to age/ Photo: iStock

intense physical exercise: cycling or mountaineering, may cause a temporary increase in PSA levels due to the pressure exerted on the prostate.

Manipulation of the prostate: either during a rectal exam or one prostate biopsy can raise temporary in the PSA levels.

Symptoms of elevated prostate antigen

He elevated prostate antigen does not cause warning symptoms, but when the cause is due to prostate cancer there it is important to pay attention to the signs that may appear, for example, difficulty urinating, slow urine stream, frequent urinationespecially at night or urinary incontinence.

Prostate Antigen values ​​according to age/ Photo: iStock

What tests are done to know the values ​​of prostate antigen?

There are some tests to measure prostate antigen levels, one of the main ones is thepsa test‘, and blood test that can help detect prostate problems, like inflammation, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or prostate cancerin the worst case, describes the American Cancer Society.

On the other hand, when the PSA test result is not normaladditional tests may be performed to obtain a proper diagnosis, For example, free PSA percentage test, complex PSA, tests that combine different types of PSA such as the prostate health index (PHI), the 4kscore test.

What are the prostate antigen values?

Los normal prostate antigen values may vary due to various factors, but generally, it is considered that the normal PSA values in adult men are less than 4.0 ng/mL (nanograms per milliliter) of blood. According to specialists from Brigham and Women’s HospitalIt is important to have the medical history to consider the PSA test results.

Prostate Antigen values ​​according to age/ Photo: iStock

Prostate antigen values ​​according to age

The following age ranges of results are used to define normal values:

Men between the ages of 40 to 50: from 0 to 2.5 ng/ml

Men ages 50 to 59: 0 to 3.5 ng/mL

Men between the ages of 60 to 69: from 0 to 4.5 ng/ml

Men between the ages of 70 and 79: from 0 to 6.5 ng/ml

How to lower prostate antigen levels?

For lower prostate antigen levels it is necessary to treat the condition that elevates them, for example, when the cause is due to a prostatitisThe most important thing is to treat the infection in the prostate con antibiotics.

Prostate Antigen values ​​according to age/ Photo: iStock

On the other hand, for lower prostate antigen levels it is necessary to control the feedingsince certain foods and nutrients can lower prostate antigen levels such as fruits, vegetables, vitamin D or lycopene, a type of organic pigment related to him beta carotene. However, processed foods increase levels.

Do regular exercisealso can decrease prostate antigen levels and improve overall health. If your levels came out high, the most important thing is consult with a specialist in urology to obtain a proper diagnosis because remember that in some cases it rises due to prostate cancer.

now that you know what are the prostate antigen values according to ageas well as its main causes for which it rises and how to lower prostate antigen levelsDon’t forget to see your doctor. take care of yourself!

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