“Prostate cancer prevention centers and birth rate issue”

by time news

2023-10-06 19:00:54

“We have an extremely attractive and interesting scientific program which addresses, with the best experts in the sector, very current issues such as prostate cancer, which is the most common cancer among men, and the issue of declining birth rates. Urologists are at your service of the population to activate prevention programs that serve to intercept the most common pathologies in question, in a timely manner to give people the opportunity to be treated and healed completely”. Thus to time.news Salute Giuseppe Carrieri, president of the Italian Society of Urology (SIU), on the 96th annual Congress of the SIU which takes place in Rome from 7 to 9 October. “We are also interfacing often – he underlines – with our political decision makers. It is no coincidence that the Minister of Health and the Deputy Minister of Justice are present at the congress. We believe it is essential to interface with the decision makers to bring our problems, the needs of our patients”.

“Urology is a discipline that follows man in all phases of his life – highlights Carrieri – from adolescence, to highlight some anomalies that can lead to consequences on the ability to procreate”, up to old age. “The most widespread pathologies in men are urological. Just think of benign prostatic hypertrophy which affects 7 out of 10 men at the age of 70, or urinary stones, first due to access to the emergency room”. The urologist, however, “is not just a man’s doctor – specifies President Siu – We also intercept women’s problems such as urinary incontinence and bladder prolapse, which are enormously widespread, given the increase in the average lifespan of women “.

“Prevention is a magic word – states Carrieri – not only in prostate cancer. When we talk about health, we know that it is always better to anticipate the diagnosis. Arriving earlier on the diagnosis means giving patients a better quality of life, spending more less for the National Health Service and have much better results. The prevention of prostate cancer can be done. It must be done – reiterates President Siu – Today we have many means that help us anticipate the diagnosis of a pathology that affects 40 thousand men: 7 thousand die every year from this pathology in Italy. Prevention – remember – is facilitated in this silent tumor by the dosage of a protein, Psa: if it is altered, further tests are carried out to intercept the tumor extremely early, treat it sooner, better and, if in an extremely early stage, also reach definitive recovery.”

Returning to patients, “the support of the associations is increasingly stronger – observes Carrieri – They are also at our side on the institutional front. For the prevention of prostate cancer, for example – underlines President Siu – we need screening programmes, periodic comprehensive checks on the population. Prostate cancer”, however, “is not currently considered for a screening project”.

“Another topic on the table concerns drugs for urinary incontinence, not reimbursed by the National Health Service, and another is prosthetics, reimbursements for robotic surgery. There are many topics – concludes Carrieri – and the Siu is active with patient support”.

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