Prostate cancer, the onset of bone metastases can be prevented –

by time news

With around 36,000 new cases diagnosed in 2020 in Italy, prostate cancer is the most frequent cancer among Italian males. Fortunately, nine out of ten patients today overcome the disease, but despite therapeutic advances, in a high percentage of cases the disease evolves into a form resistant to therapy and metastasizes. When the neoplasm reaches an advanced stage in 90% of patients it appears bone metastases which can lead to an increased risk of fractures, severe pain, immobility and consequently reduce the quality of life. With a worsening of the life of the sick, an increase in their mortality and an increase in the economic expenditure of the health system. Preserving the health of the musculoskeletal system must therefore be one of the priorities in the treatment of advanced prostate cancer, as emerged from a meeting organized by the Together Against Cancer Foundation.

Treatments can also cause bone problems

Prostate cancer is a good tumor, which evolves slowly and often is not aggressive, so much so that it can only be kept under control for many years. 30% of cases are discovered when the disease has already affected other organs. Even for those patients who have an advanced stage of the disease, different effective treatments are now available, depending on the case, to keep the neoplasm under control for a long time, even for several years. In prostate cancer, the presence of bone metastases reduces five-year survival by 29% – he explained Francesco Cognetti, president of Together Against Cancer, during the webinar (realized thanks to the unconditional support of Amgen) -. Furthermore, within two years of their appearance over 40% of patients suffer from a skeletal event, such as fractures. They therefore represent further complications to the state of health and psycho-physical well-being of men who are already facing an advanced stage of cancer. It has also been widely demonstrated that some anti-cancer therapies can contribute to these serious health problems. In particular, hormone therapy causes rapid bone loss and is estimated to be administered in up to 70% of patients. Before starting any drug treatment every man with prostate cancer should therefore be informed of the risk of induced bone loss.

Symptoms that indicate an advancing tumor

Chronic fatigue, pain (especially in the bones), weakness, urinary disturbances, difficulty sleeping or doing normal daily activities, such as walking or climbing stairs. I’m the alarm bells that should alert men with prostate cancer, because the presence of these symptoms could indicate that the disease is getting worse. Talk immediately with the oncologist, urologist or radiotherapist who has them in basic care, so that you can immediately start the most effective therapy in their case with two purposes: block the evolution of cancer (and the onset or evolution of metastases) and maintain a good quality of life, without pain or other disorders, with advantages also on the prolongation of survival. Against bone metastases we can resort to the administration of some particular osteoprotective drugs – underlined Cognetti -. To evaluate which treatments are practicable and effective, it is necessary to contact a specialized cancer center who can make an accurate assessment of the patient. More information for the sick and better preparation of specialists are needed. For this reason, the Foundation has launched a national awareness campaign that includes the distribution of brochures, social media activities and webinars for patients.

What can be done to prevent metastases

If true, prostate cancer treatments have undergone an important evolution in the last decade, contributing to reduce mortality from this neoplasmIt is also essential that a team of multidisciplinary experts follow the patients, including the urologist, the medical oncologist and the radiotherapist, and also other figures such as the pathologist and the psychologist, in close collaboration with each other. Finally, for the health of the prostate a truly healthy lifestyle makes the difference, both to prevent the onset of a tumor and because it is already sick. To the sick we must reiterate the absolute need to adopt lifestyle changes to avoid bone loss – concluded Cognetti -. Get some moderate exercise for example, it reduces the likelihood of fractures and the development of osteoporosis. Absolutely must stop smoking as cigarettes damage not only the lungs, but the entire body including bones. Also fundamental reduce alcohol intake and follow a diet that is as varied and balanced as possible.

May 9, 2021 (change May 9, 2021 | 20:45)


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