Prostate Cancer: What Do Patients Need? The investigation

by time news

Prostate cancer: an online survey is launched to find out about patients’ experiences and needs

“In contact”: the Group “Health: an asset to defend, a right to promote” launches the third online questionnaire aimed at patients with prostate cancer to find out about their experiences and needs throughout the treatment process. It will be possible to answer the questions in the questionnaire from today until February 15th.

A questionnaire to learn, through the testimonies of those directly involved, the experiences and needs of men living with prostate cancer. This is the third in a series of surveys promoted by the 41 Associations of the Group “Health: an asset to defend, a right to promote”, which with this initiative intends to come into ever more contact with oncological and oncohematological patients. “Our mission is to support and concretely support men who live the dramatic experience of cancer – he says Annamaria Mancuso, President of Salute Donna onlus, Salute Uomo onlus and coordinator of the Group – to do this we must get closer to their experience and understand what the real needs of people are; this third survey is specifically aimed at patients suffering from prostate cancer, a tumor which, according to estimates for 2020, records over 30,000 new diagnoses per year nationwide, 18.5% of all cancers diagnosed in humans. These are patients with very important unmet clinical needs such as access to the most suitable therapies at the stage of the disease and continuity of care and therapy. Only through close “contact” will we be able to consciously intervene at institutional tables and make political decision-makers participate in the need for an all-round care of oncology and oncohematology patients “.

There are 30,000 diagnoses of prostate cancer every year

The questionnaire is online from today until February 15 on the Facebook page and on the Group website “Health: an asset to defend, a right to promote”. The questionnaire tackled various topics: from the PSA marker to knowledge of the tumor before discovering it and primary prevention, from genetic testing to sexual and urogenital problems before and after diagnosis, from active surveillance of prostate cancer to therapeutic choices. and any incontinence / erectile dysfunction and possible solutions. The investigation into prostate cancer takes place as part of the initiative “In contact”, promoted by the Group “Health: an asset to defend, a right to promote” to collect the testimonies of patients and patients who live with the different types of cancer, to listen to them and understand their needs
and needs to bring to the attention of the institutions.

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