Protect you from changing seasons.. 6 superfoods for spring

by time news

Vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C top the list

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With the changing seasons comes challenges, including overcoming viral infections such as influenza. Including some superfoods can help fight disease and improve the body’s ability to cope with changes in the surrounding environment that can reduce immunity, according to Odisha TV.

Then, after the arrival of spring, it is time to include the following foods in the diet:

1. Sweet pepper, orange and tomato
Foods rich in vitamin C, such as tomatoes, bell peppers, and oranges, are extremely beneficial to health, especially when the season changes. They should be included in good quantities in the daily diet.

2. Brussels sprouts
Cabbage or Brussels sprouts contain minerals and vitamins such as manganese, phosphorous, magnesium and vitamin K as well as antioxidants such as zinc, iron and copper that improve the body’s defense mechanism against bacteria and other diseases.

3. Garlic
Garlic contains a natural chemical called allicin, which has antifungal and antibacterial properties and thus helps fight viruses and bacteria. Eating garlic daily reduces the risk of catching the flu or a cold.

4. Yogurt
Yogurt’s natural fermented probiotic contributes to boosting immunity with its good bacteria content, which helps in improving the body’s immunity.

5. Papaya
Papaya improves digestion and its high content of fiber and vitamin C increases immunity.

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