Protect your children from addiction to electronic games.. in these ways…UAE

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Entertainment and Miscellaneous Press B .. Emirates News Watch Protect your children from addiction to electronic games .. with these methods and now see the details.

Follow-up – Zahraa Khalifa

It is no longer possible to completely prevent children from playing video games, as these games have invaded every detail of our world, but we cannot ignore the harmful effects of immersing children for long periods in front of screens, whether from a medical or psychological point of view.

As the saying goes: “The best things in it.” Therefore, parents must protect their children from excessive addiction to playing these games and avoid the inevitable harm and consequent great difficulty in treating this addiction.

applicable solutions

Nadine Al-Nimri, Director of Media and Advocacy at Save the Children, told Zahra Al-Khaleej that the problem of children spending a lot of time playing video games has become a major phenomenon in countries and requires real intervention.

by parents. Al-Nimri added that it would not be useful to suddenly deprive the child of the right to play and prevent him from playing properly

Complete, even if the parents offer alternatives, because that would cause the child to become very angry and expose him to very difficult choices.

live reality

The director of media advocacy at Save the Children pointed out that video games have become a reality and are considered a form of entertainment, so there is no harm in children participating if things are within reason, and the importance of parents monitoring the content. She pointed out that the content

These games cannot be guaranteed, as some are described as having violent content, and many games allow direct dialogue with the participants, which puts the child in direct dialogue with people.

He does not know them, who may be older. From him, he can cause him a lot of trouble and abuse, so supervision is always an important thing that parents should pay attention to.

Family times

According to Al-Nimri, parents allocating long times to spend with their children has a direct and important impact on reducing their long stay in front of electronic devices, stressing that social activities are very important to accustom children to them from a young age, and therefore all these factors will prevent them from reaching addiction to these games.

Details from the source – click here

Watch Protect your children from addiction to electronic games in these ways

These were the details. Protect your children from addiction to electronic games.. In these ways, we hope that we have succeeded by giving you the full details and information.

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