Protection against human papillomavirus –

by time news

Michaela Klein, gynecologist and President of the Burgenland Cancer Aid, explains that high-risk viruses are transmitted through sexual contact. “Every form of sexual intercourse transmits this virus, so not only through the penetration of the penis-vagina, but also on the hands and also in the ear, nose and mouth area,” says Klein.


Well-validated data is currently only available on the uterus, men cannot be tested yet

Whether you have already come into contact with HPV can currently only be tested in women – and only in the genital area. There is only well-validated data on the cervix.

“This has become a problem because, for example, HPV screening has been done for a few years. From the age of 30 to 60, women are tested for HPV every three years. Now I have a lot of women who are positive. And then I always say: We have to assume that the man is also affected, that creates a lot of uncertainty. But I can’t send the men anywhere,” says the doctor. There is no real solution to this problem yet.

HPV infection hardly noticeable

If you are infected with HPV, you do not feel sick at first. If the infection turns into a cell change, this can be recognized by the formation of plaque in the mouth, for example. “Our mucous membranes are made up of several layers of cells, so if all layers are really affected, then we speak of a high-grade precancerous stage and this can then really turn into cancer. That means it’s an ongoing process, it’s never going to be like you get infected and have cancer the next day. These periods usually last a very long time,” explains the specialist.

HPV vaccination is administered


Vaccination can reduce the risk of genital warts and cervical cancer by up to 90 percent

Free vaccination for men and women from 9 to 21

The good news is: men and women can protect themselves from infection with a vaccination. “Of course, vaccination makes the most sense before you have sex. In Austria this is the age group nine to 12. Luckily we recently got the situation that the vaccination is free up to the age of 21. It also makes sense to vaccinate this group – even if you’ve already had sex, even if you’ve perhaps already had the infection,” says Klein. Because the natural infection hardly makes an immune response, explains Klein, which means that you are not protected from another infection.

The vaccination reduces the risk of genital warts and cervical cancer by up to 90 percent, and the risk of cancer of the throat, larynx, vagina, anus and penis is also significantly reduced. Vaccination against human papillomaviruses contains those virus types that most commonly cause the diseases described and is recommended for everyone up to the age of 30, after which it is optional.

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