Proteins, algae as an alternative to meat to build muscles? –

by time news

2024-01-21 08:44:02

by Cristina Marrone

A study shows how spirulina and chlorella could be a sustainable option for protein needs. The nutritionist: «The dosage is an important limit»

Can seaweed represent a valid alternative to meat as a source of protein for maintaining and building muscle mass? We know that a protein-rich diet has “better” muscle health, but no differences emerged in relation to the type of plant or animal protein. If it is true that all proteins contain essential amino acids (i.e. not synthesizable by our body and therefore to be introduced with food), fundamental for producing energy and guaranteeing neuromuscular activity, it is also true that in plant proteins the amino acids are decidedly less concentrated . This means that vegetable proteins must be consumed in greater quantities: in short, those who follow a vegetarian diet must eat a little more because vegetable proteins are generally less absorbed by the blood. However, very little is known about algae and a group of scientists from the University of Exeter, in England, tried to investigate the topic with a study published in The Journal of Nutrition.

Spirulina and Chlorella

Their findings suggest that algae, if grown under controlled conditions, could represent an attractive and sustainable alternative to animal-derived proteins for building and maintaining muscle mass. The researchers studied in particular spirulina and chlorella, the two most commercially available algae (they lend themselves to being pulverized and therefore can be proposed as supplements), particularly rich not only in proteins but also in essential amino acids and lipids, fatty acids mono and polysaturated and vitamins.

Animal proteins: ethical and environmental problems

Animal protein sources are known to effectively stimulate resting and post-exercise muscle protein synthesis. However, the production of animal proteins is associated with growing ethical and environmental concerns, so researchers wondered whether algae could represent a valid alternative. Since it was not yet very clear whether spirulina and chlorella had the ability to stimulate protein synthesis in humans, scientists worked to fill this gap by evaluating the impact of ingesting spirulina and chlorella compared to a protein source. high quality food and not of animal origin (mycoprotein of fungal origin) on the concentration of amino acids in the blood at rest and after exercise to evaluate the rates of muscle protein synthesis.

The study: amino acids and protein synthesis in algae

36 young adults participated in the study (randomized and double-blind) who, after exercising on a single leg, ingested a drink with 25 grams of proteins of fungal origin, or from spirulina, or from chlorella. Blood and muscle samples from the volunteers were analyzed before and after exercise, and amino acid concentrations in the blood and rates of muscle protein synthesis in the tissues at rest and post-exercise were evaluated. Protein ingestion increased amino acid concentrations in the blood, but more rapidly and with higher response peaks after spirulina consumption. There were no differences between the three groups regarding the rates of muscle protein synthesis, which however were higher in the muscles after exercise compared to those at rest. «Spirulina and chlorella – comments Stefano Erzegovesi, medical nutritionist and psychiatrist – are two excellent protein sources: just think that from 50 to 70% of their dry weight are proteins and are also very well balanced in terms of content of essential amino acids, despite are of vegetal origin.”

Costs and sustainability

The cost of spirulina and chlorella is also interesting: the product is also sold online as a supplement at around 20 euros for 300 grams of powdered dry algae. «This means 2 euros for 15 grams of good quality and sustainable protein in terms of CO2 emissions, a price that competes well with animal protein sources» adds Erzegovesi.

Safe and sustainable food future?

Researcher Ino Van Der Heijden from the University of Exeter, one of the authors of the research, commented: «Our work has shown that seaweed could become part of a safe and sustainable food future. With more and more people trying to eat less meat for ethical and environmental reasons, there is growing interest in non-animal-derived and sustainably produced proteins. We believe it is important and necessary to start examining these alternatives and we have identified algae as a new and promising source of protein.”

The dosage limit

So everything is fine? In reality, we shouldn’t imagine a nice plate of seaweed salad because, as Stefano Erzegovesi points out, the real limit is the dosage: «This makes seaweed not very usable as a daily food and, at most, it can be used as a supplement. In fact, to take 25 grams of product per meal we would have to swallow 50 tablets at a time, something unsustainable for our stomach. The alternative could be to take algae as a powdered supplement in a smoothie, as Hollywood stars do, but, thinking of the average palate of the Italian population, not accustomed to the taste of algae, it becomes difficult to savor and digest if taken every day ».

It is not a vitamin B12 supplement

Finally, the nutritionist warns against the incorrect use of algae: «Spirulina and chlorella are often passed off as vitamin B12 supplements, which is essential for vegans. The problem is that the B12 they contain is a non-absorbable analogue: therefore not only is it not usable by the body, but it can also compete with the “good” B12 in terms of absorption sites.”

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January 21, 2024 (modified January 21, 2024 | 07:43)

#Proteins #algae #alternative #meat #build #muscles

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