Protest against Israeli minister’s call to destroy Palestinian village

by time news

RIYADH: The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and Saudi Arabia strongly condemned Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich’s racist statements calling for the destruction of the Palestinian village of Huwara. Secretary General Jassim Mohammed Al-Budaiwi called on the international community to intervene to reduce the instability and pollution caused by the Israeli occupation forces.

The Secretary General emphasized the importance of countering hate speech and violence while promoting the values ​​of tolerance and human co-existence. They strongly support the Palestinian demand for an independent state based in East Jerusalem. This is the number one problem for Arabs and Muslims. The position of the GCC member states on the Palestinian issue is firm. They support all regional and international efforts to advance the peace process in the Middle East. But the Secretary General also demanded that the occupying forces should stop the illegal actions that threaten the solution of the problem.

Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia strongly condemned the terrorist statement calling for the destruction of the Palestinian village of Huwara. To intervene to prevent such offensive words and actions

The Saudi Foreign Ministry appealed to the international community in a statement issued on Friday. The international community must also take responsibility for providing the necessary protection to civilians. The ministry stated that the country completely rejects the violence perpetrated by the Israeli occupying forces against their brothers, the Palestinians, and such racist and irresponsible statements that reflect extremism and racism.

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