Protest Flotilla of Democracy Activists Takes to the Statue of Liberty

by time news

Title: Democracy Activists Stage Protest Flotilla Towards Statue of Liberty in New York

Subtitle: Israeli and American Jews unite against legal reform and defend Israeli democracy

Date: [Insert Date]

About 150 democracy activists in New York embarked on a flotilla towards the Statue of Liberty on the ship “Freedom”. They waved Israeli flags and posted a “Must Resist” sign on board. The action was organized in less than 24 hours, with the organizers sending a message to protest groups in New York with a registration form and a call to join the flotilla for freedom that afternoon.

The protest flotilla, organized by Shani Granot-Lobton, aimed to express solidarity with those protesting against legal reform in Tel Aviv. The activists, consisting of almost 150 Israelis and American Jews, joined the flotilla on such short notice, surprising the organizers who originally expected only 20-30 participants.

Granot-Lobton, the organizer of the protest, emphasized the significance of the Statue of Liberty as a symbol of shared values ​​between Israel and the United States. Despite recent tensions, she believed that the statue represents the strong bond between the two countries, which must not be undermined by the divisions caused by the current government in Israel.

“The hearts of all of us in Israel are sending wind in the sails of the fighters for freedom and democracy who defend with their bodies and souls the future of all of us!” Granot-Lobton said, referring to the ongoing struggle for Israeli democracy.

Wearing black as a sign of protest against legislative blitzes and violence towards demonstrators, the participants sought to highlight the importance of freedom and democracy, principles deeply rooted in Jewish history. Granot-Lobton stated that since the dawn of history, freedom has been the driving desire of the Jewish people.

“We are here and everywhere in the world, the struggle for Israeli democracy has arms all over the world. Israel will not be a dictatorship!” she asserted.

Despite recent disagreements, Granot-Lobton criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent decision not to wish the United States a “Happy Independence Day,” emphasizing that the United States has always been Israel’s number one ally.

The unexpected turnout and support from Israeli and American Jews for the protest flotilla demonstrated their determination to defend Israeli democracy and their refusal to allow hatred and greed to define a new Judaism that tears people apart.

The activists’ ultimate goal is to continue showcasing the beautiful, democratic, and liberal face of Israel and to strengthen the relationship between the country and its diaspora.

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