Protest in Lod: the legal system is texting the murder of Musa Hasona

by time news

About twenty Palestinian residents of Lod and a number of activists gathered this evening (Monday) to protest the conduct of the law enforcement system in the case of the slain Musa Hasona. Knesset member Sami Abu Shehda was also present at the demonstration, who explained the protestors’ claims to our reporter. Hassuna, 31, father of three, was shot to death on May 10, 2021 by a Jewish gunman near the spontaneous demonstration that took place after the evening prayer in the month of Ramadan during Operation Shumer Hamot. On the night Hassona was killed, several dozen young men began throwing stones on Hasmonaim Street in the city, and in response, several of the Jewish residents of the neighborhood, including five suspects, approached them. During the riot, one of the Arabs held a Molotov cocktail, and the Jewish residents began shooting dozens of bullets into the air. Hasona was hit by one of the bullets and died. During Operation Wall Guard two Jewish and an Arab person were killed in Lod. According to the Knesset member, the identity of the person who hit Musa is known to the law enforcement system, but the law enforcement authorities are dragging their feet in his case due to political considerations. The identity of the person who harmed the Jew is not known, but the investigative efforts, the means of investigation and the number of those interrogated in the matter are very large.

Photo: Shay Kendler
Photo: Shay Kendler

Marwa is sturdy in demonstration

Malek Hassuna (Musa Hassuna’s father) next to Knesset member Sami Abu Shahada (Photo: Shay Kandler)
The widow Marova Hasona (Photo: Shay Kendler)

Member of Knesset of Balad – Sami Abu Shahda

According to the Knesset member, the noticeable difference in the way the law enforcement system operates in both cases is evidence of apartheid in the State of Israel. Member of Knesset Sami Abu Shahada stated that his party, Balad, will run all the way to the elections and be the surprise of the elections. After the incident, five suspects were arrested on suspicion of murder, and later the section was changed to the crime of manslaughter. A ballistics test ruled out that the personal weapons of four of the five were involved in the shooting. Regarding the other suspect, an examination of his weapon did not make it possible to determine with certainty that he fired the fatal shot at Hasuna. Therefore, the prosecution claimed that “it is not possible to determine with the level of certainty required in the criminal trial” that the suspect was the one who fired the shot. Member of Knesset Sami Abu Shahada (BLD) who was present At the demonstration he said that the state’s handling of the two killings, of the Jew on the one hand and the Arab on the other, proves in practice that the country has become an apartheid state. Hassuna’s widow, Marwa Hassuna, called out to the Indians who came to live inside the Arab Lod: “Settlers, get out of here.” The police forces present at the scene did not intervene in the demonstration which was conducted in a quiet manner after about an hour the demonstrators dispersed without any special incidents.

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