Protest Outside PM Netanyahu’s House Calls For Return of Abductees and Election Announcement

by time news

Several members of the abductees’ families are protesting today (Saturday) outside Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s house in Caesarea, calling on the citizens of Israel to join them. Kobi ben Ami, Ohad’s brother; Inbal Tsekh, Tal Shoham’s cousin and Shir Siegal, Keith’s daughter. “You must not miss any opportunity to return our loved ones,” the families of the abductees call to the Prime Minister.

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The demonstration in front of the Prime Minister’s house will continue tonight, at the same time as another rally in Hatofim square, under the sign “NEVER AGAIN IS NOW”. Members of the families of the abductees, alongside Holocaust survivors and the second generation of the Holocaust, will read tonight at the rally: “Never again – this is a binding command for the world leaders and the members of the cabinet in Israel.” Without the return of the abductees, the acts reminiscent of the Holocaust that took place on the seventh of October will become the norm throughout the world.”

At the rally, videotaped messages from the families of followers of the nations of the world were shown directly addressing the residents of Gaza and asking them to be on the right side of history.

Janina Rosczyszewska from Krakow, whose family was under constant threat of death for hiding Jews and claimed “Either we all survive together, or we all die together”: “In the name of the Righteous Among the Nations, I ask the people holding the hostages to release them. They have done nothing, there is nothing in them It’s their fault that they were born Jewish just like me. It’s not my fault that I was born Polish.”

Ninka Gersma, the granddaughter of Henny Eskens from Holland who saved a Jewish girl during the Holocaust, with whom the whole family is in close contact to this day: “Every year we raise the memory of this black page (World War II) from history, both as a nation and as a family. The abductees deserve For our unceasing attention and support just as my grandmother had the courage to save her child, while endangering her life and her daughter’s life during World War II.”

Iga Binkaina, daughter of the Lithuanian Righteous Among the Nations Sofia, who lived close to the Kovna ghetto in Lithuania and helped the Jews by offering them temporary shelter in her home: “Just as we helped people against the Nazis, the residents of Gaza can also help and save the abductees by providing information or in any other way. In all wars and disasters, the good is always wins and the bad loses.”

At the same time, a protest demonstration against the government under the title “Elections Now” is taking place in Tel Aviv’s Bima Square. A short time ago, demonstrators violated the order on Kaplan Street, tried to block the entrance and exit to Kiryat Shrovetide, went down to the road and blocked the traffic for a short time. The police forces evacuated the demonstrators from the road which was opened to traffic. During the evacuation, the police arrested 5 suspects, on suspicion of violating the order. Another suspect, unrelated to the protesters, was arrested on suspicion of assaulting a police officer on the spot.

The organization “Guardians and Guards of the Shared Home” is also holding a demonstration tonight, for the third week, in front of the President’s House in Jerusalem calling for the establishment of a government of broad consensus and demanding the immediate announcement of elections. Violence was recorded during the demonstration, and an investigation was opened by the police against a woman who was recorded attacking police officers.

A woman attacks a policeman at a demonstration in Jerusalem. Photo: Police spokeswoman

Eder Ilon, whose sister Shira Ilon was murdered at a party in Ra’i, participated in the demonstration and said: “It doesn’t matter what you thought about the government before October 7, because it’s no longer a matter of right or left. The magnitude of the biggest failure since the establishment of the state cannot be denied. This government let us down, abandoned our children for hours when they were abandoned and no one came to save them. And since then, three and a half months later, they still continue to abandon us. The government ignores the bereaved families and ignores the abductees who have been in hell for over 100 days without knowing when they will return or if at all , the south and the north under fire remain unprotected, businesses are collapsing without a plan for the future and at the same time Israel’s image is deteriorating alarmingly. Whoever brought us to this place cannot get us out of it, whoever destroyed it cannot repair it, whoever nurtured Hamas for a decade cannot subdue it.” .

Rally for the abductees (Photo: Avshalom Sassooni)

Shelli Shem-Tov, the mother of the abducted Omer Shem Tov, spoke at a rally in the Dancing Square in Herzliya: “There is not a day when I wake up and don’t think about Omer. I see the sun rise and think that he hasn’t seen daylight in 113 days. I brush my teeth and ask when he showered, Eating breakfast,” she said and burst into tears.

“I don’t know when he ate. When I’m cold, I dress well, but I don’t know if he has anything to cover himself with. No one can understand what 113 days of nightmare is. What is the nightmare that the abductees are going through, what is the nightmare that we are going through. Omer, don’t lose hope. One more drop, one more moment, one more moment you’ll be free in your country,” she exclaimed.

Rally for the abductees (Photo: Avshalom Sassooni)

Mirta Werner, mother of Alon Werner, who was murdered in Nova. that his friends were murdered and two of them were kidnapped: Almog Sarosi and Guy Iloz, who was murdered, at a rally in Herzliya:
“I request that you return Almog and Guy’s body, now! Make a deal now!”

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