Pruning olive trees: how and when to do it

by time news

2023-10-23 06:00:06

The olive treescientifically called Olea europea, is one plant ancient and precious, cultivated for centuries for its sake fruit, the oliveand for the oil that comes from it. The importance of oil has always been praised for its centrality in nutrition and for a healthy diet.

According to some data from 2019, olive growing it is practiced in 58 countries, for a total of 11,512,015 hectares cultivated. It is therefore essential to protect this tree from any type of deterioration; for this reason the pruning regular and well done is an essential practice to guarantee the health, productivity and aesthetic shape of olive trees:

Tree health: pruning is central to the removal of rami dry, diseased or damaged. A clearing of logs and dead leaves promotes air circulation and the penetration of sunlight inside the tree. They avoid each other water stagnation and significantly reduces the risk of fungal diseases; the well-being of the plant is improved overall.

Increased productivity: selective pruning can stimulate fruit production. In fact, the removal of excess branches allows the tree to concentrate all its resources on the growth and development of healthier fruits.

Aesthetic form: pruning the olive tree allows you to maintain a balanced and harmonious shape of the trees, making them more attractive from a landscape point of view and also more tidy and equidistant in the held larger.

How to prune the olive tree

Pruning olive trees is an art handed down from generation to generation, which is why there can be multiple methods, depending on the period, the main purpose and the technique used. They are mainly distinguished:

Training pruning: it should be carried out during the first years of growth of the olive tree and preferably during the spring months. This mode allows the tree to develop a solid structure and a balanced shape, right from the start.

Maintenance pruning: it can be carried out at different times of the year, but is commonly carried out during autumn or the first winter period, when the tree is in a state of vegetative rest. The central objective is to minimize the risk of damage to new ones sprouts.

Reform pruning: in some cases, it may be necessary to carry out reform pruning, to shape and restore structure to olive trees that are neglected, malformed or have developed in a chaotic manner. This process requires more drastic pruning, which can be carried out gradually, through steps carried out over several years, in order to minimize stress on the tree.

Experts recommend further precautions to successfully complete olive tree pruning.

The simplest suggestion is to remove dead, dry or damaged branches using scissors or scissors tronchesine very pointed, to make sharp, clean and inclined cuts, about 1-2 centimeters away from the node or main branch.

Sometimes it may be necessary to proceed with the thinning of the tree. You must reduce the density of the plant and therefore remove the weakest branches or those that overlap each other. Furthermore, you must always keep an eye on the dimensions: if the olive tree becomes too tall or develops too wide, it is advisable to proceed with pruning the most irregular branches.

As regards the technique, it is good to remember that, when approaching a plant, first cut off the excess parts and only then proceed with the finishing cuts and thinning within the foliage. This method allows you to immediately have a broader and clearer vision of the shape vegetation is going to hire.

When to prune the olive tree

The ideal time for pruning the olive tree depends on the region, the climate and the variety of olive tree grown.

However, there are some general guidelines that are advisable to follow. The best time to proceed is the end of winter, as usual some farmers clean their estates before Palm Sunday.

In any case, you have to avoid pruning during periods characterized by very low temperatures or during frosts, as this could severely damage the tree. Likewise, you shouldn’t wait too long because in that case the plant could already be close to the active period and wake up too soon.

I olive suckers and suckershowever, they can also be eliminated during the summer period.

Olive tree pruning is therefore a very important practice to guarantee the health and productivity of the trees, as well as to maintain the desired external shape. By following the correct techniques and respecting the right time for pruning, these ancient plants can thrive and produce superior quality olives and, consequently, oil. However, it is necessary to remember that each variety has its specific needs and only through careful study and constant monitoring of the plant can its yield be increased.

For example, it is through control that diseases such as can be detected olive scabcausing deep lesions of the stem and the decline of the harvest.

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