PS Stars are late but appreciated, but there’s plenty of room for improvement

by time news
Image: push the box

The console scene is changing. While PS5 – despite all the stock issues caused by the pandemic – remains one of the best-selling formats of all time, the so-called “network effect” that defined previous generations is eroding. with via play Gaining popularity in many of the biggest franchises, including FA and Call of Duty, there are fewer reasons to own the same brand as your friends. In addition, strong competition from Microsoft and Nintendo means that there are more viable alternatives to PlayStation than there were before.

None of this should diminish Sony’s efforts, of course, it’s just the truth – the manufacturer needs to adapt and work even harder to maintain customer loyalty. This is where PS . stars It plays its part, of course: the long-awaited retention system, which is free to join and trying to “run” the entire ecosystem. After launching last week in North America and several days ago in Europe, it’s too early to serve, but it’s a welcome addition nonetheless.

Many will, of course, point to well-established Microsoft and Nintendo patterns and use them to point out the shortcomings here. Mais il est important de souligner le point ci-dessus : nous ne sommes même pas encore dans un mois de ce programme, et nous aimerions penser que Sony a une feuille de route pour améliorer son of globale maintenant qu’il a plongé ses orteils water. Having said that, to face the big-smelling elephant looking over our shoulder: No, this loyalty program Not Solid as what the competition offers. But that doesn’t make it worthless.

Currently limited to PS . appWith local support for PS5 promised soon, the main feature here is the fact that PS More Members can earn points on every purchase. We tested it, and it doesn’t matter what you spend on me Whether it’s games, subscriptions, downloadable content, or microtransactions – you’ll earn ten points for every dollar spent. (Or the equivalent in your currency of course.) You’d be really surprised how fast it increases if you’re big PS . Store user; Somehow we’ve already collected over 300 points, without even actually trying. scary!

Of course, the advantage here is that these points can then be exchanged for PS Store credit. It’s a shame that you can only “buy” wallet refills; We think the Nintendo format, where you can redeem your coins whenever you save even a few cents, is the best. But even so, until this month, you have nothing Back on your PS Store purchases, and now you’re getting back about four percent. Look, maybe it isn’t Is enough Whatever you want, but as big spenders on PlayStation, we’ll definitely be backing that up, which was the case just a few weeks ago. I did.

There are other ways to earn points, and we believe they will multiply as the service matures. For example, if you purchase one of the existing PS Store selections, you can get 50 bonus points on cashback, as described above. Obviously this will become Sony’s way of encouraging buying, but then again, if you’re planning to buy, say, a sign anyway – well, why not take the extra bonus? As mentioned above, points accumulate quickly.

Image: push the box

Maybe the difference here is digital collectibles. It’s actually an amazingly cool diorama that includes popular PlayStation products and even characters. The choice, so far, is largely dependent on Monkey Escape – an interesting launch option, but we’re sure Aloy, Kratos, and others will follow. These are actually surprisingly well carved. We love the PS1’s T-Rex tech demo, which is delivered at Sly Cooper’s staff for whatever reason. This is a cute little Easter egg for old PlayStation fans.

In fact, this whole system reminds us of what trophies were like supposed is being. Veterans among you may remember the golden days of the PS3, when Sony was promoting PS Home and promised you could display your trophies in your personal apartment. Obviously this never materialized, it was a pie in the sky idea (although we’re sure the manufacturer tried it in-house), but you’re actually getting a little demo on the PS app and the platform holder promises to integrate it into PS5 profiles in the future . So, that’s really cool, isn’t it?

However, we feel that the campaigns themselves could be more creative. Until now, it was mainly about starting games, although Heat Play / 1994 It works a bit like a test. We can’t help but think of how much electricity and bandwidth people who download 75GB games take to unlock a virtual game. chord instrumentBut we think that’s all positive for Sony’s monthly active user stats, and as we’ve indicated, you’ll be a huge driver behind the initiative being in place initially.

Reaction: PS Stars are late but appreciated, but there's plenty of room for growth 3

Obviously, as mentioned earlier, there is room for improvement here. Better challenges and more significant rewards is a must. But as we’ve mentioned several times, we’re finally getting cash on our PS Store purchases. Do we wish it was more? Sure – but we’ll take Something more nothing. Digital collectibles, as useless as they are, are just a little icing on the cake from where we sit. So, PS Stars: It’s not really star yet, right? More like one of the supporting actors of the canceled Netflix show. But see, it’s a welcome addition and there’s still plenty of time to develop it.

If you are looking to get started, you can refer to PS stars guide For more information, including how to complete several campaigns. Of course, we would also like to know what you think of the loyalty program and how you think it should be improved. Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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