PSOE and Sumar register the reform of the regulation so that the co-official languages ​​can be used in the investiture of Feijóo | Spain

by time news

2023-09-06 13:52:43

The majority that is being forged for the investiture of Pedro Sánchez takes a new step this Wednesday with the registration of the bill to reform the regulations of Congress and allow the co-official languages ​​to be used in all plenary sessions, something unprecedented. PSOE and Sumar have accelerated the procedures to register it today, so that it can be qualified next week at the Congress table and take it to an extraordinary plenary session the following week. The initiative bears the signatures of all the groups of the new majority -PSOE, Sumar, ERC, PNV, Bildu, BNG- except Junts, which has chosen not to put its name on it but plans to support it. Carles Puigdemont’s group thus makes a new gesture of distance but is behind the initiative and in fact was one of those who demanded it, with ERC.

The idea is that the reform can be applied already on September 26, at the investiture plenary session of Alberto Núñez Feijóo. From a technical point of view, it is easy to do because it is a single reading proposition that only needs a plenary session to be approved. Another issue is politics, because the initiative is rejected by Vox and it remains to be seen what position the PP will maintain.

But what is clear is that the same majority that made the socialist Francina Armengol president of Congress on August 17 will be seen in action again, and that showed very clearly that Sánchez has a chance to be president if he reaches an agreement with Junts , but Feijóo does not have any because he lacks four votes.

This reform was one of the conditions of the Catalan separatists from Junts and ERC to support Armengol as president. In fact, the very election of the former president of the Balearic Islands is a gesture that shows that it will be a different legislature, with space for co-official languages ​​and very focused on territorial issues.

The change in the regulation will affect several points in order to guarantee the use of the co-official languages ​​in all areas of parliamentary activity. In this way, it is necessary to touch on the regulation not only in the articles in which the use is limited to Spanish, not only in the interventions of parliamentarians, but also in the registration and publication of initiatives, which will be extended to all co-official languages. . The reform will imply the hiring of translators that has not yet taken place, but the PSOE trusts that they will have everything ready for the plenary session of Feijóo’s investiture. The change is simple, and above all it implies including a section 3 to article 6 of the regulation, which states that “men and women deputies will have the right to use in all spheres of parliamentary activity, including oral interventions and the presentation of written, any of the languages ​​that are official in any autonomous community in accordance with the Constitution and the corresponding statute of autonomy”.

The regulation provides for a period of six months until all the means are ready to be able to present any writing in the co-official languages. But interventions in plenary session can be made from the outset. “The Official Gazette of the Cortes Generales will publish the initiatives in the official language in which they have been presented, as well as in Spanish,” the Socialists say in the explanation of the initiative. “Likewise, the Sessions Journal will reproduce in its entirety all the interventions and agreements adopted in the plenary sessions, the Permanent Deputation and the Commissions, both in the language in which they were pronounced, and in Spanish.

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“This modification of the regulation responds to the commitment announced by the president of the Congress, Francina Armengol, on the day of her election, to allow the use of all the official languages ​​from that same constitutive session. The use of the official languages ​​brings linguistic plurality to the Lower House and responds to the constitutional mandate for the “cultural heritage” of the “Spanish languages” to be “object of special respect and protection,” the Socialists say.

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