Psychiatric drugs on the rise among young people, the advice of psychiatrists: beware of do-it-yourself –

by time news
Of Maria Giovanna Faiella

The consumption of these medicines increased by 15-20% in the last 5 years. The improper use of these substances, which must be taken on medical prescription, is also growing

Fedez returned to talk about his health problems on social media, in particular the effects of the psychotropic drug he took, but he also denounced a known problem that has been reported for some time by psychiatrists: the increase in the consumption of these medicines among young people. What does it depend on and what to do?

Increase in the last 5 years

a constantly growing phenomenon – explains the psychiatrist Claudio Mencacci, co-president of the Italian Society of Neuropsychopharmacology (Sinpf) -. Over the past five years, drug consumption has grown by 15-20 percent; in particular, there was a significant increase during the pandemic period. These drugs, sometimes easily also available at homethey come used improperly to lose weight or get high, as our Scientific Society has repeatedly denounced. Psychopharmaceuticals – underlines the expert – are useful and effective where there is a specialist’s diagnosis, therefore they are prescribed by the psychiatrist.

No to do-it-yourself

Adds Matteo Balestrieri, director of the University Clinic of Psychiatry in Udine and co-president of the Sinpf: To increase not only the number of psychotropic drugs prescribed but also a “improper” use of substances and drugs that are not prescribed by doctors but are found on the internet, in the family, or are found on the street. But – warns the psychiatrist – it must be done beware of DIY. The use of psychotropic drugs as a “short” way – but only in theory – to face difficulties and as a solution to one’s problems it does not work. Psychopharmaceuticals are important medicines that must be taken when there are appropriate indications based on scientific guidelines, therefore on medical prescription. Any recreational or impromptu use by a single person is wrong because it leads to drug overloads, a variety of risks, and sometimes leads to addiction.

Rebound effect

What is the rebound effect Fedez mentioned? Some medicines that can be used to treat anxiety or depression or mood disorders can, in some cases, lead to a “withdrawal syndrome”, causing more or less intense symptoms depending on the different molecules Mencacci clarifies. What does it mean? What notreatment should never be abruptly interrupted but reduce the treatment progressively, under medical supervision, even over a period of 1-2 months – replies the psychiatrist -. From the very beginning of treatment, people need to be information on treatment times and that they must not be stopped abruptly and prematurely; sometimes the withdrawal syndrome also means one exacerbation of the disease.

March 7, 2023 (change March 7, 2023 | 2:38 pm)

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