Psychoanalyst, ‘kids addicted to social networks, problems at school are on the rise’

by time news

2023-09-07 12:14:26

In recent times, doctors are often dealing with adolescents, who suffer from anxiety and who have emotional and attention disorders. In fact, adolescents are increasingly dependent on smartphones, social networks and technology and the phenomenon has also begun to warn psychoanalysts and teachers, who have noticed the first side effects. “Young people who are more attached to the small keyboard have difficulty concentrating at school, they fall asleep late and even wake up during the night if their cell phone starts to vibrate”, says psychoanalyst Adelia Lucattini, member of the Italian Psychoanalytic Society, who argues for “see the study in a different light to overcome boredom and apathy, and to improve attention and concentration”.

“Adolescence – underlines Lucattini – is the time during which we begin to separate from our parents, the process of identification takes place, becoming individuals with our own identity and personality, we try to understand what kind of person to become as an adult and we work to make our wishes come true.If on the one hand, technology allows you to keep in touch with distant friends and family, on the other hand, it is good to limit yourself by avoiding being continuously connected and looking for the right times to harmonize with other daily activities. Furthermore, hyper-connected kids find it difficult to complete any work without interrupting themselves, to check their smartphone. If they are reached by a message every five minutes it is impossible for them to be able to complete even a single reflection, let’s imagine how much it can be hard to read or study a new concept and memorize it. The temptation to respond right away is too strong.”

“For this we need to reaffirm the value of the study”, continues Adelia Lucattini, recalling that “the Istat data on reading has been worrying for years but now it has worsened further. The latest data show that in Italy in 2022 people aged 6 and over who have read at least one book in the last year for reasons that are not strictly school or professional in 2022 are 39.3%, in 2020 they were 41.4% , 2010 was 46.8%”.

Therefore, according to the psychoanalyst “students must be encouraged to become passionate about studying, despite the delay accumulated during the pandemic and the increase in emotional disorders and psychological distress. Teachers, in this, have a great task and at the same time a responsibility They are prepared and trained, they can also face and win this vital battle for the future of young people, despite the difficulties that, unfortunately, the school system experiences every day. School for children is an indispensable opportunity for learning, training and maturation “.

“As for the parents, on the other hand – he continues – a greater awareness of the importance of their role is needed, to have more control with their children and more assiduous collaboration with the teachers and with the school. Parents are often not worried about seeing the their children constantly folded in on themselves and immersed, lost, in the bright screen of their smartphone.Parents are asked to be courageous, to have faith in their own possibilities, aware that if they decide to ban excessive use of cell phones, they will face protests of their children, because it is normal, adolescence is the age of confrontation and rebellion and educating implies playing roles. If parents are addicted to their mobile phones, however, they must not confuse their own needs with those of their children” .

“Furthermore, if adolescent children do not accept being reprimanded for behavior similar to that of their parents, it is necessary – suggests the expert – for adults to explain that there is a time for everything. When they become adults, then they will decide for themselves and for their children. Until then it is not only a task, but it is also a duty of parents to give rules and enforce them, with affection and firmness, explaining the reasons but not accepting an equal level with their children . Friends if they have many, parents or whoever takes their place, if they have two. Psychic growth, moreover, is based on the ‘asymmetries’ with which one unconsciously engages and feeds on “, he concludes.

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