Psychological emergency 1 out of 4 Italians worsened in the last 3 years

by time news

2023-07-07 07:35:40

The percentage of Italians who declare that they have a very bad or bad mental condition is increasing: from 12% in 2022 to 14% in 2023. More than 1 in 4 Italians also state that their mental well-being has worsened in the last 3 years. Women, young people and residents of the North West are the most affected targets: these are the first data from the survey conducted by the Soleterre Foundation and Emg Different, presented today to the Chamber of Deputies by Damiano Rizzi, president of the Soleterre Foundation and Fabrizio Masia, Emg CEO Different, in the presence of Pd deputy Rachele Scarpa.

According to the Soleterre survey, conducted on a sample of 1,010 individuals between the ages of 18 and 74, 40% of those interviewed had to deal with psychological therapy for themselves or for a family member; however, in 49% of cases he had to interrupt or reduce the sessions due to financial unsustainability: forced interruption of a psychological path considered useful by 78% of the interviewees. The data collected – a note details – also show that, according to the Italians, the ideal cost of a therapy session should be around 38 euros. 61% of the sample believes that if an association offered psychotherapy sessions for 40 euros, this price would be acceptable and accessible. In the hypothesis of being able to help those who need psychological support but cannot afford it, 68% of Italians declare that they are more inclined to turn to an association if part of these 40 euros were donated to them and almost 1 out of 2 Italians would be inclined to pay for a psychotherapy session.

In the light of the survey results, to ensure that the service can be accessible to the entire population, the Soleterre Foundation has created a national network of psychologists and psychotherapists, co-financed by the Intesa Sanpaolo Charity Fund and Fondation d’Harcourt, to offer psychological support throughout Italy at a reduced price (40 euros) or free of charge for the most fragile categories such as minors, cancer patients and Covid-19 patients, people with serious trauma, people in economic difficulty. It is possible to schedule an interview by calling 335 7711805 or writing an e-mail to [email protected].

67% of Italians have heard of the psychologist bonus but only 3% have used it

“With Soleterre’s psychological support we help people who are in a moment of psychological need and put them at the center of attention because with their payment of a reduced rate of 40 euros, Soleterre supports humanitarian projects for children with cancer in different areas of the world and wounded by the war”, comments Damiano Rizzi, president and founder of Soleterre Onlus. “The therapeutic approach that unites the people involved starts with the advertising campaign in which patients undergoing psychological treatment say that ‘thanks to their symptoms’ may be of help to other people. The intention is to create a stronger message than social stigma towards those who find themselves suffering from this situation due to episodes of depression, panic attacks, anxiety and other mental symptoms. Thanks to Ricky Tognazzi and Different for being with us “, he concludes.

The Soleterre Foundation survey also touched on the subject of the psychologist bonus: 67% of Italians say they have heard of the psychologist bonus, but only 3% have used it. Among those who, although knowing it, did not use it, 17% did not know how to request it/had difficulty in requesting it and 15% were not granted it (for limited funds) or were not entitled to it.

#Psychological #emergency #Italians #worsened #years

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