Psychology and chronic pain: relax the body and control the mind

by time news

2024-01-08 09:54:27

When pain is chronic it becomes a stressor for our body and mind. Psychology becomes an ally with techniques that promote physical and emotional relaxation.

Cover of the guide “Self-care for people with pain”. Photo provided

Psychology applied to chronic pain, with body-mind therapies (from body relaxation techniques to meditation) that have demonstrated benefits in various chronic diseases.

This is stated in the guide “Self-care in people with pain”, coordinated by nurse Manuela Monleón, specialist in family and community nursing and doctor in Health Care, in collaboration with the pharmaceutical company Grünenthal.

The publication promotes in a simple way the development of “analgesic behavior” to combat pain, that is, what the patient can do in different areas “to feel better and live with the disease, which will have an impact on health and autonomy.” ”explains the nurse.

Apply psychology to control chronic pain

Chronic pain is stressful, not only because of the painful sensation, but also because of what living with it entails, such as catastrophic thoughts, perception of lack of control and sleep problems.

That is why treatments aimed at the psychology and emotions of people with chronic pain can help self-manage pain.

The guide refers to relaxation techniques that improve the sleep pattern and prevent associated catastrophizing, “diverting attention and indirectly achieving a reduction in painful sensations.”

Infographic of the guide “Self-care for people with pain”. Photo provided

muscle relaxation

Progressive muscle relaxation is a technique that helps reduce tension or stress, beneficial for people with pain, since both situations amplify the painful sensation.

Its objective is for us to be able to recognize and differentiate between tense and relaxed areas of the body and subsequently learn to relax those muscles that are in tension.

It is recommended to practice this technique daily and to train it you will need a trained professional who is in charge of advising you.

Autogenic training

Very useful technique when high muscle tension is evident that causes pain, since in this practice relaxation of the muscles is achieved by directing attention to different physical sensations typical of a state of calm and relaxation.

It also requires a professional to guide the exercise at the beginning, until we learn it and integrate it into daily functioning.

Breathing with the diaphragm

Diaphragmatic breathing consists of taking a deep breath in which you inhale (the diaphragm contracts and moves down into the chest cavity, allowing the lungs to expand as air enters) and exhale (the diaphragm relaxes and returns to the chest cavity). to its usual position when the air is expelled).

With practice it is possible to establish this type of breathing as our habitual breathing to follow, instead of superficial breathing, which would provide us with multiple benefits at all levels.

Steps to follow:

Lie down or sit comfortably and place one hand on your stomach and the other hand on your chest. Inhale slowly through your nose, pushing the air toward the bottom of your lungs for 3 seconds. The hand on the stomach should be raised while the hand on the chest should remain still. Hold the air for 3-4 seconds. Exhale with pursed lips for 6 seconds. The hand that is on the stomach should return to its initial position. Repeat the entire cycle for at least 5-10 minutes and do it several times a day.

Meditation for emotional control

Mind-body therapies have positive effects on psychology and chronic pain, one of them is meditation or mindfulness.

According to the guide “Self-care in people with pain”, midfulness promotes acceptance of unpleasant physical sensations, being aware of reality as it is and seeking to find the wisest way to relate to it with:

Infographic of the guide “Self-care for people with pain”. Photo provided

Meditation basically focuses on the way you maintain attention. There are several modalities of practice, but the most common is focused attention meditation.

This technique consists of directing attention towards a previously established focus, and normally the most used support is breathing:


Meditate daily, preferably in the morning. The important thing is that it is practiced, even if it is for a short time. Carry out routine activities (brush our teeth, shower, wash the dishes, take a walk, drink coffee…) consciously, involving all the senses. Learn to find the optimal practice level, so that everyone finds their mental comfort through meditation. Observe the pleasant and unpleasant situations that occur during the day, think about how they make us feel, what sensations we have on a physical level, and discern if we respond or react (anger, fear, avoidance, etc.) to them. Practice the active and attentive listening. Encourage the conscious dialogue with ourselves. Spend some time daily in contact with the nature and paying full attention to everything that is presented: smells, sounds, images, sensations, thoughts… is the pleasure of conscious observation.

Humor and social life

Humor and laughter have been associated with lowering pain thresholds in patients with chronic pain, possibly due to an increase in endorphins, which make the patient feel better, according to the guideline. “Self-care in people with pain“.

In addition, specific studies have also been carried out on patients with chronic pain in a palliative situation, and the results showed that, after exposing the patients to different humorous situations, they demanded less pain medication, smiled more often, slept better, and In general, they reported having a better quality of life.

These are the benefits of humor:

Infographic of the guide “Self-care for people with pain”. Photo provided

Furthermore, dedicate the active free time It helps to foster social relationships, increase self-esteem and relieve pain, abandoning the feeling of loneliness and uselessness and sadness that chronic pain can cause.

#Psychology #chronic #pain #relax #body #control #mind

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