2024-07-19 13:58:07
Amid the ongoing lighting test that was conducted at Seoul Grand Park in Gwacheon, where singer Psy’s “Hot Show” was scheduled to take place, local residents have complained that they have had trouble sleeping.
Recently, a post titled ‘Is it right for the Humduk Show to have a lighting rehearsal at this time?’ was posted on the online community ‘FM Korea’.
Writer A said, “Is it right to shine lights like that starting at 10 p.m.? They keep doing this until 1:30 a.m. Even if I close the curtains, the light still comes in.” He also posted a related photo, saying, “They shoot lasers in different colors and lights that rotate like a lighthouse, so I can’t sleep. Please let me sleep.”
According to the photo posted by Mr. A, strong lights were shining through the window of his residence. Psy’s Hmmmm Show Gwacheon concert is scheduled to be held at Seoul Grand Park on the 20th and 21st, and it appears that a lighting test was conducted at the parking lot of Seoul Grand Park ahead of the concert.
Mr. A later reported it to the police and filed a complaint with the 120 call center. However, the lighting tests continued even after that.
Person A said, “The moment I was about to fall asleep, the lights flashed again and that’s what happened. Every time the lights turn on, all the light comes on,” and uploaded a related video, complaining, “What’s the point of reporting it to the police? They just change the direction and shoot again. This is just too much.”
The time Mr. A uploaded the video was around 3 AM, and the lighting test was still in progress. This time, the lights were not shined in front of Mr. A’s house, but were turned to the west. Some of the lights were also moved in all directions.
Netizens who saw this appeal responded with comments such as, “Can’t the lighting test be done in the early evening?”, “Isn’t this a nuisance rather than a drenching show?”, “Shouldn’t they at least buy blackout curtains for the residents?”, “If this were in the US, this would have led to a large-scale lawsuit”, and “Isn’t this going too far?”
Reporter Choi Jae-ho, Donga.com [email protected]
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2024-07-19 13:58:07