PT and PVEM emerge as winners in Chiapas: PREP

by times news cr

The extraordinary election to renew two city councils was reported without incident, according to the Chiapas Institute of Elections and Citizen Participation (IEPC).

According to the Preliminary Election Results Program (PREP) until 7:20 p.m. yesterday, the candidate of the Labor Party (PT) in Chicomuselo, Smoothing Borrallas Verdugo, was ahead of the four candidates. Morena did not put forward a candidate in this municipality.

Packages from this municipality will be transported by air to the IEPC facilities in Tuxtla Gutiérrez to prevent possible acts of vandalism.

In Chicomuselo, Besieged by organized crime, 27 of the 45 polling stations were set up in the vicinity of the municipal capital.

“The Government of Chiapas wants to show that there is Governance (allowing these elections),” said an anonymous resident, who added that the “war” between armed groups was advanced with territorial disputes, to finally have the control that was demonstrated this Saturdaywith the parade of alleged members of the CDS.

Days before this election, “in Comitán they were handing out food supplies in exchange for photocopies of voter ID cards to the displaced”, added a neighbor who asked to remain anonymous for fear of reprisals.

Were they forced to vote? This media asked a villagerr. -“Yes, without any problem, everything is fine,” he replied.

To carry out these votes, a strong operation of l was deployedto the Chiapas Public Security Secretariat with 120 elements.


Extraordinary elections were also held in Captain Luis Vidal, where two incidents were reported at the closing of these polling stations, shortly before 6:00 p.m.; some people did not go to vote due to the rain.

“Due to their customs and habits, everyone voted early and those on the nominal list live in a geographical area that is difficult to access, which is complicated by the heavy rains in this municipality,” said the IEPC.

The IEPC reported that at the beginning of the electoral day, in Chicomuselo 23 of the 27 scheduled booths had been installed and in Captain Luis Angel Vidalthree out of six, but by 10:30 the 33 polling stations were already receiving voters. However, in Pantelhó the voting day was suspended due to violence.

He pointed out that “in view of the events of violence, lack of agreements, governability and conflicts of a political, social and even economic nature, again the National Electoral Institute (INE) was forced to rule on the non-feasibility of installing polling stations, consequently, the electoral council of this institute agreed yesterday not to hold elections in the municipality of Pantelhó.”


The Catholic Church regretted that violence does not cease in the Sierra de Chiapas, as in Chicomuselo, where the population continues to be threatened by crime.

Rodrigo Aguilar, bishop of San Cristobal de las Casassaid that they are concerned and moved by the forced displacement experienced by many communities. “80% of its population has had to flee to save their lives.”

“The bishops of Human Mobility in Mexico, Central America, Canada and the United States, raise their voices to denounce the silence, concealment and collusion of the authorities who have not expressed themselves about this suffering of thousands of people that affects the Archdiocese of Tapachula, San Cristobal and Tuxtla Gutierrezz,” he said after Sunday mass in Tuxtla Gutiérrez.

He denounced that young people, men and adults have been kidnapped to force them to serve criminal groups, as many are doing, serving as human shields for a system of death, and no level of government has wanted to listen and address their roots, none has given credibility to the word and to the spilled blood.

The bishop said that on August 25 the elections have been scheduled for re-election in communities such as Chicomuselo, Pantelhó y Captain Luis Angel Vidal, “We have been insisting that there are no conditions for an election, due to the persistent climate of violence.”

Criminals tear down bridge in Chenalhó

An organized crime group yesterday knocked down one of the two hammock bridges in the rural area of ​​Chicomuselo, leaving communities like Tlaxcala isolated.ujú Buenavista, La Fortuna and Potrerillo, reported The Herald of Chiapas.

Due to this situation, residents of these localities face problems harvesting their corn, beans, peanuts and coffee crops, as well as problems obtaining food supplies.

A witness said that one of the alleged criminals began to shout that they should tear down the road because “the opposing groups were attacking.”

On the other hand, more than 50 vehicles with hooded men entered on Saturday afternoon Chicomuselo, who shouted that they would recover the town, while they drove through the streets of the municipality while honking their horns.

This raid occurred one day before the extraordinary elections scheduled for this municipality, an area disputed by alleged organized crime groups. The Herreras y El Machetedue to its importance for drug and human trafficking, according to specialists.

This fight has left vehicles with handcrafted shielding known as completely destroyed monsters in some areas. / 24 Hours

2024-08-28 16:01:35

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