Public Concern Rises Over Transition to My Number Health Insurance Card as Traditional Cards Set to Be Phased Out

by time news

Only 3 months remain until the current health insurance card’s new issuance is abolished.

Eighteen local newspapers across the country, engaged in connecting with readers through reports such as Tokyo Shimbun’s “News From You,” conducted a joint survey about the “My Number Health Insurance Card,” which adds insurance card functionality to the My Number Card.

The desire to retain the current insurance card comprised 80% of the opinions, revealing a persistent anxiety and questions regarding its abolition. (Digital Editorial Department, Noriyuki Fukuoka)

Joint Survey on My Number Health Insurance Card conducted a call for responses via the communication app LINE and others from August 9 to 18, receiving 12,007 responses. The goal was to hear diverse voices, differing from a random sample public opinion poll.
Of the respondents, 64.4% had a My Number Card (as of the end of July, this figure was 74.5% nationwide), 26.3% were using it as an insurance card, and 15.6% planned to use it in the future.

◆ Support for Unifying to My Number Health Insurance Card is Low

The survey asked for support regarding the government’s policy of abolishing the current insurance card:
(1) Abolishing the current insurance card and unifying to the My Number Health Insurance Card
(2) Retaining the current insurance card and implementing optional use
(3) Retaining the current insurance card and halting the introduction of the My Number Health Insurance Card

Of these options, (3) opposing the introduction of the My Number Health Insurance Card and (2) supporting the optional use both received about 40% support, while (1) supporting unification to the My Number Health Insurance Card garnered only 20% support.

Opposition to the introduction of the My Number Health Insurance Card included comments like, “It feels like I am being forced to have a My Number Card, which is supposed to be optional, and I can’t accept it.” (50s female)

Comments advocating for optional use included, “My parent with dementia can’t make a My Number Card.” (50s male)

Support for unifying to the My Number Health Insurance Card included comments like, “I wish it would proceed quickly as it would lead to efficiency.” (40s male)

Even among those using the My Number Health Insurance Card, only about 40% supported the abolition of the current insurance card, while 47.8% supported optional use.

Public Concern Rises Over Transition to My Number Health Insurance Card as Traditional Cards Set to Be Phased Out

◆ About 60% of My Number Health Insurance Card Users Worry About Information Leaks

Freely written responses highlighted concerns and questions regarding trouble handling, such as “I’m worried about the risk and procedures if I lose it.” (60s female), and “What will we do if it can’t be used during disasters or power outages?” (60s female).

Regarding the question, “Are you worried about your information leaking?” nearly 80% answered “applicable” or “somewhat applicable.” This figure included 59.8% among those using the My Number Health Insurance Card.

The existing health insurance card can continue to be used for up to one year after new issuance is abolished on December 2. However, 10% of survey respondents incorrectly believed they would not be able to use it from December 2.

◆ Reasons for Not Using and Using the My Number Health Insurance Card

When asking those who possess the card but do not use it as an insurance card about their reasons, multiple responses indicated that “the traditional health insurance card is easier to use” (63.7%) and “I’m worried about information leaks” (63.0%).

Reasons for those using the My Number Health Insurance Card included, “I heard the traditional insurance card would be abolished” (48.0%) as the most common response, followed by “It saves time explaining medical history and medication” (38.4%).

◆ “Public Concern Has Not Been Alleviated”

Professor Kazumasa Inaba of Nagoya University (Administrative Law)

I felt that the dissemination of precise information about the new system based on the My Number Health Insurance Card was insufficient, failing to alleviate public concerns.

The trends have not changed significantly since the discussion on the amendment to abolish the current health insurance card a year ago.

Is it acceptable to abolish the insurance card without addressing doubts and concerns? The Diet should reevaluate the possibility of extending the grace period.


The age distribution of respondents to the joint survey was as follows: 9.8% were under 30, 71.6% were in their 40s to 60s, and 18.6% were 70 or older.

Opinions regarding the abolition of the current health insurance card included the following.

Opposition to the Introduction of the My Number Health Insurance Card
“Why do we need to spend a large budget to change it when the current insurance card is not causing any issues?” (50s female)
“The My Number Card is optional. I believe the failure to consider the chaos on the ground is not democratic.” (60s female)
“It seems to lead people to misunderstand that My Number Cards are mandatory, which I think is unconstitutional.” (30s male)

Desire for Option Between the My Number Health Insurance Card and Current Insurance Card
“My mother is elderly. I think it’s difficult to have her go to the hospital with a My Number Card.” (60s female)
“If everyone finds it convenient and necessary, the use of the My Number Health Insurance Card will naturally increase.” (50s male)
“The burden of issuing qualification confirmation documents will increase. If we say the paper insurance card can also be used, that’s all that’s needed.” (70s male)

Desire for Unification to the My Number Health Insurance Card
“I believe the benefits of digitization are significant for users, hospitals, and the government.” (70s male)
“If we can achieve high efficiency in operations, it will help address personnel shortages and save on taxes.” (30s male)
“I think there is a risk of personal information leaking with the current insurance card as well. If it can be made more convenient, I wish it would be expedited.” (50s female)

The eighteen newspapers that conducted the joint survey are as follows.

Touou Nippo (Aomori), Iwate Nippo, Kahoku Shimpo (Miyagi), Akita Sakigake Shimpo, Jomo Shimbun (Gunma), Tokyo Shimbun, Kanagawa Shimbun, Niigata Nippo, Hokuriku Chunichi Shimbun (Ishikawa), Fukui Shimbun, Shinano Mainichi Shimbun (Nagano), Gifu Shimbun, Kyoto Shimbun, Chugoku Shimbun (Hiroshima), Nishinippon Shimbun (Fukuoka), Kumamoto Nichinichi Shimbun, Minami Nippon Shimbun (Kagoshima), Ryukyu Shimpo (Okinawa)

▶ For inquiries regarding the My Number Health Insurance Card
Tokyo Shimbun is collecting opinions and information regarding the My Number Health Insurance Card. Emails can be sent to [email protected], and postal mail can be addressed to Tokyo Shimbun Digital Editorial Department, “My Number Health Insurance Card Reporting Team,” 100-8505 (no address needed).
▶ Inquiries for other information
In addition to the My Number Health Insurance Card, Tokyo Shimbun is also working on a project called “News From You,” where reporters conduct interviews based on submissions and information provided by readers. We welcome information about any concerns or questions from your surroundings and even reports of misconduct. Survey requests are accepted via the dedicated form on the Tokyo Shimbun homepage or the free communication app LINE. Confidentiality will be strictly maintained. Detailed explanation page for “News From You.”

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